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Brain MRI today

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I'm having my brain MRI at 3 and would appreciate good thoughts/prayers. I'm so nervous since last time I had an MRI on my back I freaked out. This time they are giving me something to relax but I'm still nervous. I am very claustrophobic. I'm also nervous about what they might find. One thing they are checking for is MS (my aunt has it) and other family has Lupus. I'm also nervous since I've had a lot of weird symptoms lately as well as many headaches. I'm sure everything will be fine but with my mom dying from cancer last May that is always on my mind.


On a good note it is so nice having a young adult that can drive. I miss my babies but it is also neat how they have become so mature and independent. I'm used to taking care of them. It's nice to be taken care of for a change. I can't drive since I'm taking anxiety meds before hand.

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I'm done. It went so much better than last time! The wet washcloth on my face definitely helped and the Ativan didn't hurt either 😄


Thanks for the good thoughts. Now I just have to wait for the MRI results , thyroid ultrasound results and a bunch of blood test results.

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