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Exercise Thread ~ October 12th-19th


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Redsquirrel, I'll do my best to answer you about Classical Stretch.

I like most of the ones I've tried. There are so many in each DVD, that I still haven't done them all. I feel wonderful after doing most of them. Some of the moves are not my thing. But generally, they're the sort of workouts that make me feel I should be doing them more often each time I finish doing them.

The DVDs do seem very expensive, and at first I was rather reluctant to get them. But then someone on the VF forum reminded me that each DVD consists of lots of 25-minute workouts. There's a lot to choose from on each. 

Some people do one or so a day, or one every few days or whatever. Others on the VF forums do up to 3 of them for a complete workout. I sometimes do that. As someone suggested: "When CS/Essentrics is the MAIN WORKOUT aim for 60-90 minutes, if possible! I believe CS/Ess can be effective at toning and tightening, but I think you most probably need to do more than 30 minutes a day to make that happen. I think the 1/2 hour is more for the 'get up and get moving' crowd (or for those who use it as a stretch). 1-1/2 hour is where the magic happens!"

If you wish to get one, this thread is very helpful. Every November (around Thanksgiving), they usually have a sale. I'm tempted to get one then (maybe). Ebay often has them as well. I got at least one of my CS DVDs from ebay. 

I have her Vintage Collections, which I like a lot. I also have the following seasons: 4, 6, and 8. 

So far, I prefer CS over Essentrics (which is taught by Miranda's daughter). 

This thread (which includes links to at least one other thread) was very helpful to me also. 

If you're looking for stretching DVDs which are not necessarily CS, here's a thread

I hope that this is all helpful. Let me know if you have more questions. 


Now, I'm starting to look into Katy Bowman and her DVDs and I can't get my mind off of them  :lol:. I really am a terrible DVD workout junkie. I've only heard fabulous things about these. Need to look into them more. 

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Redsquirrel, some more things I thought about:

Here are some video clips that might help you make a decision. I seldom buy a DVD before seeing a clip.

Not everyone likes Miranda, although I do. She can come off to be a bit quirky. 

It took me a while to like CS. At first, I didn't care for it much at all. 


Season 10 Promo Trailer


Season 9


There are more on her site. 

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I love Katy Bowman.  I have her book "Move your DNA"  I have a few of the alignment snacks (scroll down and you'll see them. They are downloads)  and they aren't WOs per se, but I use them when I am having trouble in a certain area.  Negin, her stuff isn't a WO per se, it's more active and/or passive movements you do that strengthen a certain weak spot that affects your alignment.      The alignment snack called Stretching the Standing Muscles really targets my problem area with old hamstring issue I've had.


You can purchase one download for $5 so you can see what they are like. 


  I didn't realize she had DVDs.   I just purchased one.  :hurray:  



Last week I missed one WO.   I just had the WORST WEEK EVER, and on top of all the stress I missed a WO which perhaps I'm a little neurotic about it, LOL.  So, I have to just let that go, and start fresh this week.  Today I'm going to stretch and roll and soak in epsom salts.

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Yesterday, I fell walking downhill in wet weather while I was carrying a bunch of stuff.    The potential for injury was very high because one leg went behind me and twisted.   However, this morning I just have a nasty scratch and bruise on my knee and no pain in my leg or hip at all.    All of that intense stretching I do really paid off. 


Redsquirrel has it right in the other thread about shrinkage.    Those older dancers are tall and graceful because they have strength and flexibility through the full range of motion of all their joints.    








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Nothing much - just lots of stretching and trying out my foam roller.

Got lots and lots of new Joyce Vedral DVDs yesterday. My parents returned from the U.S. and brought them for me.  Joyce has been having an unbelievable sale. I couldn't resist.

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I love Katy Bowman.  I have her book "Move your DNA"  I have a few of the alignment snacks (scroll down and you'll see them. They are downloads)  and they aren't WOs per se, but I use them when I am having trouble in a certain area.  Negin, her stuff isn't a WO per se, it's more active and/or passive movements you do that strengthen a certain weak spot that affects your alignment.      The alignment snack called Stretching the Standing Muscles really targets my problem area with old hamstring issue I've had.

You can purchase one download for $5 so you can see what they are like. 

  I didn't realize she had DVDs.   I just purchased one.  :hurray:  


Last week I missed one WO.   I just had the WORST WEEK EVER, and on top of all the stress I missed a WO which perhaps I'm a little neurotic about it, LOL.  So, I have to just let that go, and start fresh this week.  Today I'm going to stretch and roll and soak in epsom salts.

This is so helpful. Thank you. I'm off to look into her alignment snacks :). 

Do please let me know what you think of her DVD. I'm tempted to order the set with all of them, even though one or two of that set would likely just sit there. It's a better deal, rather than buying lots of them individually. I just need to wait to see if anyone's coming. They charge a lot for shipping, customs, and duties here. 

Sorry your week was so awful. Hopefully this week will be a better one.  :grouphug:


Yesterday, I fell walking downhill in wet weather while I was carrying a bunch of stuff.    The potential for injury was very high because one leg went behind me and twisted.   However, this morning I just have a nasty scratch and bruise on my knee and no pain in my leg or hip at all.    All of that intense stretching I do really paid off. 


Wow! What a relief that you're okay and that the stretching has prevented you from pain, etc. 

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Day off for me today. I've been exploring Katy Bowman's work and am really interested.

You and me both :D. That was part of my excuse for not doing much today. I'm trying to decide which of her alignment snacks to order. I'm very impressed so far. Dh needs some of those also. 

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I woke up yesterday, Sunday, morning with a owie back. It is better today and I hope to be back to exercise by wednesday.


This happens to me sometimes, with no rhyme or reason. But it hurt enough that last night it woke me up every time I moved. :crying:


Today I have been motrin free, but moving slowly. I did do some walking and that helped it feel better. I have a sort of plan to go for a long walk tomorrow evening and see how that goe.

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So it's pouring rain, and it's class and co-op day so I can't wait nor do I want to get my humidity loving hair all wet sooooo it's looking like kettle bell and a treadmill (total yuck) walk today. I'm at 2 miles right now. I'll try for 5 though it may be in two chunks. I again wonder why I schedule this outside the house stuff...oh, that's right, my girls like it. ;)

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Redsquirrel, I'll do my best to answer you about Classical Stretch.

I like most of the ones I've tried. There are so many in each DVD, that I still haven't done them all. I feel wonderful after doing most of them. Some of the moves are not my thing. But generally, they're the sort of workouts that make me feel I should be doing them more often each time I finish doing them.

The DVDs do seem very expensive, and at first I was rather reluctant to get them. But then someone on the VF forum reminded me that each DVD consists of lots of 25-minute workouts. There's a lot to choose from on each.

Some people do one or so a day, or one every few days or whatever. Others on the VF forums do up to 3 of them for a complete workout. I sometimes do that. As someone suggested: "When CS/Essentrics is the MAIN WORKOUT aim for 60-90 minutes, if possible! I believe CS/Ess can be effective at toning and tightening, but I think you most probably need to do more than 30 minutes a day to make that happen. I think the 1/2 hour is more for the 'get up and get moving' crowd (or for those who use it as a stretch). 1-1/2 hour is where the magic happens!"

If you wish to get one, this thread is very helpful. Every November (around Thanksgiving), they usually have a sale. I'm tempted to get one then (maybe). Ebay often has them as well. I got at least one of my CS DVDs from ebay.

I have her Vintage Collections, which I like a lot. I also have the following seasons: 4, 6, and 8.

So far, I prefer CS over Essentrics (which is taught by Miranda's daughter).

This thread (which includes links to at least one other thread) was very helpful to me also.

If you're looking for stretching DVDs which are not necessarily CS, here's a thread.

I hope that this is all helpful. Let me know if you have more questions.


Now, I'm starting to look into Katy Bowman and her DVDs and I can't get my mind off of them :lol:. I really am a terrible DVD workout junkie. I've only heard fabulous things about these. Need to look into them more.

I LOVE Katy Bowman's work. She's my intellectual crush right now.


We moved on Sunday, and both my aching muscles and my Fitbit think I've taken 35,000 steps between Sunday and Monday.

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Did Joyce Vedral's Bathing Suit Workout again. I had a hard time focusing yesterday and felt rushed. It was okay. I don't think it's her best. I prefer the Cougar one, but will be trying lots more, since I got almost all her DVDs.



Negin, did you buy any of the alignment snacks?

Yes! I ordered several and hope to start trying them out from tomorrow. Can't wait!


I LOVE Katy Bowman's work. She's my intellectual crush right now.

I'm getting there also :D. 


Not feeling it these days. I'm very tired. 



I have a lot of work to do with my boys today, and I'm feeling a bit tired.  I spent the morning at the hairdresser's, so I'm behind on everything.  


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I wasted 40 minutes of my time trying out 2 Katy Bowman downloads (pelvic floor & back). They were not what I expected, yet I'd heard such great things about them. I felt frustrated that I wasted my time :(. I really do hope that the rest of them are better. I have seven more to try. They weren't expensive - just $5 each. It's possible that her DVDs might be better, but I refuse to get them unless I see video clips, etc.

Also did 3 Miles of Leslie: Burn Body Fat & Sculpt Your Arms. 


Iron Yoga this morning. Interesting and challenging. Liked it. 

I have that one. Haven't done it in ages. It's a good one. I have a hard time standing in the Tree Pose for as long as he does. 

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I wasted 40 minutes of my time trying out 2 Katy Bowman downloads (pelvic floor & back). They were not what I expected, yet I'd heard such great things about them. I felt frustrated that I wasted my time :(. I really do hope that the rest of them are better. I have seven more to try. They weren't expensive - just $5 each. It's possible that her DVDs might be better, but I refuse to get them unless I see video clips, etc.


Oh dear. What didn't you like about them? I'm curious as I've been dipping my toe into her blog and so far I like what I see though I haven't used any of her videos yet.

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I ran yesterday, a nice long one, when suddenly about 1\2 mile from home I got sick. I got home and carried on because I had to teach co-op but YUCK! I felt better this morning but I seem to have an infected toe. Weird. It's all red and puffy but i don't remember cutting or scraping it...anyway, I took a 15 mile bike ride figuring pounding on it wouldn't exactly speed healing.


Redsquirrel-I hope your back feels better.


Mom-ninja-burn baby burn, disco inferno

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today and Tuesday I did a stepped up yoga practice.  I also did a regular yoga practice yesterday - along with walking around the local mall due to heavy (for us) rains I just didn't want to deal with it outside.  I did stop off in a few stores . . . didn't buy anything, but I figure I did spend around 50 minutes actually walking.  my total for yesterday was approaching 10K steps.  - now, I need to go plant some stuff in the garden while it is a) nice, and b.) light out.

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I went to my yoga class today. The instructor is changing the class so that it is more of a strength and tone class. I prefer normal "power" yoga (which is what it was), but the way I did today in the class shows that I need it.  Some of the exercises really improved how I engage my core.  It was good.  


I got home today (it was co-op day) and did a 300 swing kettlebell workout.  I want more cardio, since I'm not running, swings it is. 

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Joyce Vedral Bone Building Workout - first time. My favorite so far is the Cougar one. This comes in second. So far. Lots more to try! 


Oh dear. What didn't you like about them? I'm curious as I've been dipping my toe into her blog and so far I like what I see though I haven't used any of her videos yet.

I don't have much time this morning. This thread will hopefully answer how I (and some others) feel about it. I haven't ruled her out. I still have 7 more of the snacks to try. Will keep you updated. 


I got sick. I got home and carried on because I had to teach co-op but YUCK! I felt better this morning but I seem to have an infected toe. Weird. It's all red and puffy but i don't remember cutting or scraping it...


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Had a nice run this morning minus the fall from rolling on a walnut.  Ooops.  My toe is better from soaking it 3 times yesterday so enough resting.  When I got back from the run I did quite a bit of stretching and yoga since the falling part is bound to make me stiff.  Now it's off to park day and dd is having a sleepover/birthday since her birthday falls on Monday this year.  Enjoy the day!

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Negin, the dvds are along the lines of the snacks.    They aren't workouts.  They are designed to help strengthen and or relax areas where you may be weak and using other muscles to compensate for that weakness.    I have had good success with some of the snacks for particular issues (injuries) that I have had.     I got the DVD called "When you can't breathe" because I've been having some exercise induced "asthma" for lack of a better term.    I haven't had the chance to try it as this week I'm completely crazy busy but from the little I was able to check out, it is very similar to the snacks.

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Thursday- weight training- very satisfying.

Thursday evening-martial arts. Have I ever mentioned how much I love martial arts?


We did a new (to me) explosive conditioning exercise which was a blast and a good work out. : Do a deep squat then at the bottom of the squat roll backwards on your back and then with power rock back up to a squat position on only your left leg with your right leg held out in in the air in front of you, hop from your left leg to your right (still in a squat) now with your left leg held out in front of you and then roll back onto your back- that's 1. Do that sequence 50 times. It reminds me of the Russian dance where the men kick while squatting with their arms crossed. Only the roll back is different.

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About to soon do 2 Miles of Leslie - Burn Body Fat & Sculpt Your Arms


Negin, the dvds are along the lines of the snacks.    They aren't workouts.  They are designed to help strengthen and or relax areas where you may be weak and using other muscles to compensate for that weakness.    I have had good success with some of the snacks for particular issues (injuries) that I have had.     I got the DVD called "When you can't breathe" because I've been having some exercise induced "asthma" for lack of a better term.    I haven't had the chance to try it as this week I'm completely crazy busy but from the little I was able to check out, it is very similar to the snacks.

This is so helpful. Thank you. I'm considering ordering the Digestive DVD for my dh. Not sure yet. There aren't any alignment snacks that seem to address that problem. Once you've tried the breathing one, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. 

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