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OK early risers I need help!

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After reading the great posts from an earlier thread about getting up early, I decided to try to rewire my night owl tendancies. I started going to bed by 10 and up at 5:30. On the mornings that I am actually up by myself I enjoy it immensely. But at least one of the children seem to wake up either before I get up at 5:30 (3 am yesterday and not going back to sleep) or a few minutes after I'm up.


This is making me super cranky :( I'm not getting my "mommy" time at night because I'm going to bed so early, and now I'm not getting it in the morning because the kids are waking up earlier. (I'm very quiet so I don't know why they are waking)


I don't want to become resentful, but it is getting to that point. I want to be a peaceful and comforting mom especially first thing in the morning - not grumpy and tired at either being woken up so early or because they are waking up 1 1/2 hours before they used to.



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It would depend on how old your children are that are getting up early -- and age will help with that!! The older my children got, the longer they slept in the mornings!! Now that my youngest is 6, I never see or hear from any of my kids (unless they're sick or something) before 8 or 8:30.


If they're older than say 3 or so, you could offer them a drink and a snack and then send them back to bed. Or plop them down on the couch with a blanket and put a video in for them to watch. That way, at least they're not running all over the house. :)

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My oldest is 6 and youngest is 2 1/2. He is extremely "persistant" in the morning. This morning I tried pulling him into bed with me as I still wasn't up yet when he got up. Dh was going to get him some cereal but he shrieked "mama do it!" Unfortunately mama must always do everything with him at this point. I'm going to try putting a bowl of dry cereal on his nightstand tonight so he will find that in the morning and see what happens.


They were normally getting up between 7:15 and 8:30 but now it has become for the youngest anywhere between 3 and 5:45 :(

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I have noticed that I can get away with a lot more noise when their fans are on.:001_smile:


How about closing their doors when you go to bed?


How old are they? Can you get them to read in bed til you wake them (a la Mother's Rule of Life)? Or have a special toy/book/bottle for early morning?


With a 17 year old, who would happily sleep til noon, it does feel odd to be encouraging laziness in the morning! :glare:

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Both of their doors are always closed at night for fire safety reasons especially. The bathroom is just across the hall from their rooms but I sneak in with the lights and fan off and try to make as little noise or use as little lighting as possible.


I don't like to shower at night as I need a shower to function well in the morning and I have really long hair and I don't like to go to bed with wet hair.

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I don't like to shower at night as I need a shower to function well in the morning and I have really long hair and I don't like to go to bed with wet hair.

I shower at night, but I wash my [long] hair in the morning in the kitchen sink. Maybe that would work for you.

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Actually, I am still a night owl, yet in order for me to have some quiet time, it is necessary for me to rise early.


Dh and I do not allow our children to join us before 7:00 am. The older kids will get up, have coffee, and read their Bibles. But the little guys, 7 and under, may not get out of bed until 7:00 am.


This obviously takes some practice, so keep that in mind. It may take a few days to teach them.




Camy (who still is tempted to stay up waaaay past her bedtime)

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My oldest is 6 and youngest is 2 1/2. He is extremely "persistant" in the morning. This morning I tried pulling him into bed with me as I still wasn't up yet when he got up. Dh was going to get him some cereal but he shrieked "mama do it!" Unfortunately mama must always do everything with him at this point. I'm going to try putting a bowl of dry cereal on his nightstand tonight so he will find that in the morning and see what happens.


They were normally getting up between 7:15 and 8:30 but now it has become for the youngest anywhere between 3 and 5:45 :(


DS is doing this. He's been getting up at 5-5:30 consistently for weeks. When DH was home, he would go say, "Lie down" And he would, and he'd sleep til 8. I say it and he laughs at me and comes running.

I know tomatoes will be thrown, but I put Cars on and go about my business. Between him being up at 5:30 and dd being up until 11:30pm, I can't be "on duty" that entire time, or I'll lose my mind.

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We try very hard to be TV free here, so though it is VERY tempting, I'd rather avoid starting a TV in the morning habit if possible. Ds (2) does know that he is not supposed to get up untill he sees 7 oh oh on the clock, but of course he 5: 47 has a 7 in it too and that's all he sees. He's very excited - look, there's 7 oh oh!


Camy how did you get your little ones to understand 7:00? Do they have a clock? What do they do when they get up early?

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I've been tempted to put a baby gate on my dd2's doorway or a lock that works from the outside. She gets up at 6:00 and won't go back to sleep. I have to keep sending her back to her room all morning. She isn't allowed to come out until 7:00 but that doesn't mean she doesn't try. I think a clock is hard for them to understand at this age. I wonder if a timer would work, the kind you turn by hand?


I will be listening for more suggestions. I will start getting up at 6:15 next week when our school year starts and I definitely need my quiet (aka sanity) time before the kiddos are awake.

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