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Non-fic recs for 10 yo about slave trade?


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Does anyone have anything that would fit the bill? Truthful, interesting and engaging if it is not too much to ask :) I've looked on various lists but I've yet to find anything. I looked at the autobiography by Olaudah Equiano/ Gustavus Vassa as I love the fact that it is written in first person but I think it would be a bit much for his age. Surely there has to be a good book out there on this important topic.

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Aha, I think I may have found a couple-

Bound for America: The Forced Migrations of Africans to the New World

Age 7-12- 48 p- Is supposed to be a good and truthful introduction, which is sensitive to the nature of this topic and the age group


The Kidnapped Prince: The Life of Olaudah Equiano

Age 8-12 160p- Modernized and shortened adaptation of his autobiography, which from reading reviews, stays true to the original but makes it more readable and accessible for younger readers

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I looked at that one but I was afraid it would be a bit old for him. I had thought about getting it to at least myself and to see if I thought it would be appropriate but looking again I think he would do ok with it. I think I'll add it as a read aloud. Thanks for the reminder, I couldn't find all my old lists!

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I agree with Zoo Keeper.

Amistad is hands down the best nonfiction book on this that I have ever seen.

Amos Forture, Free Man, is excellent, but although it is based on a true story, it is fictionalized.  It also deals with slavery in New England, which was more benign than in the South.


Here is another very good book to use at this age:  http://www.amazon.com/Daily-Life-Southern-Plantation-1853/dp/0140566686

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Bound for America by Haskins.


Lest We Forget by Velma Thomas.


(To Be A Slave by Julius Lester, and The Middle Passage by Tom Feelings, may be too emotionally difficult.)


David Adler's Enemies of Slavery is nice to include; good to see that not everyone was in favor of it

And/or bios of Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, ...


Also it is covered in Heart and Soul by Nelson Kadir, which is aimed at children.


I saw a book called Up before Daybreak about cotton picking. I don't think it's slavery specific but still could be useful, to see what hard labor is like.

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I looked at that one but I was afraid it would be a bit old for him. I had thought about getting it to at least myself and to see if I thought it would be appropriate but looking again I think he would do ok with it. I think I'll add it as a read aloud. Thanks for the reminder, I couldn't find all my old lists!


My dh read Sugar to my then 10 and 13 year olds, and both really loved it. 


I saved The Life of Fredrick Douglas until my older was 13.

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Thanks for all the input, I've got several options now. I think I'll check the library for Amistad since I just purchased a few other books. I have books about the Underground Railroad, Douglas and Tubman on the list but not until a bit later in the year. Right now we are hitting on the beginnings of slavery.


lewelma- Thanks again for mentioning that book I had looked at that before a few times as I thought it sounded interesting but I thought it would be too much. Looking again I see that it is around the same level as several of our other books this year and I like the way it ties everything together.

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