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Ideas for toddler sling? 15 mo/ about 20lbs/ mobile


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We just rec'd a foster daughter and would like to wear her in a sling for several reasons.  She is mobile and is always on the go.  She is a little peanut at 15 mo weighing about 19lbs.  can you send links, why you like it and does it leave your hands free? 


Please, I am not looking for a new born baby sling, but one that'll work well for a toddler.



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a podaegi.  It's Korean.   it has a learning curve for how to wear it, but you can wear it front, back or side.  you can find online tutorials for how to put it on.


I've a friend who grew up in korea - and that's what she has used with all of her babies.  incidentally, she made her own.


I've worn it with one of her babies. hands are completely free, and it was more comfortable than the snuggli/baby-bjorn I had with mine.

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I love this sling.



I still use it for my two and a half year old ( but more frequently for his baby brother). my 3 year old girls used it as well ( if we got stranded somewhere without a stroller).

I'm not sure I would want to keep a 20 pound baby in it for hours and hours on end, but for an hour or so I can easily manage.


ETA: one of my favorite features of the sling, compared to a carrier, is its compactibility. it is so lightweight and folds so small that it can easily fit in my purse. so I'm never caught off guard with out a way to carry a kid. Ever. :-)

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You say she's "always on the go". Do you see yourself needing to pick her up and put her down often, say, every few minutes? At the up and down stage I fell in love with a simple ring sling in a hip or back carry. Hands free, but it took seconds to get her off of me, and seconds to pick her back up when she was done.

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ETA: one of my favorite features of the sling, compared to a carrier, is its compactibility. it is so lightweight and folds so small that it can easily fit in my purse. so I'm never caught off guard with out a way to carry a kid. Ever. :-)


I agree - a pouch would be my first choice from a carrying-just-in-case perspective, while an Ergo or similar carrier that distributes the weight mostly on the hips, and across both shoulders, would be my choice for longer term walking. There are carriers that are specifically designed for toddlers, with a higher back than ones designed for infants, and one of those might work better than the Ergo.

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