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Welcome to Recovery Day . . . and the day before Aunt Flo (*vent*)


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*sigh* Don't mind me, I just need to come visit somewhere peaceful and where nothing is truly expected of me.

While I normally love holiday weekends, this one just seemed to suck the life out of pretty much all of us.

There was at least one schedule activity, outside the home, every day
*Friday: Dance rehearsal

*Saturday: dance recital, husband and son went camping, daughter and I did birthday shopping

(both days I was sick)

*Sunday: daughter and I spent all day prepping for her Sweet 16 and the party was that night

*Monday: exhausted, even the men as they returned home, and, for some reason the kids' drama teachers

   scheduled class that afternoon


Today, the daughter (who is on the spectrum is still exhausted but has homework due for an outside class tomorrow;

son is evidently still exhausted because simply asking him to help with the dishes has caused multiple meltdowns, and I 

have ZERO patience with anyone, including me, so I know Aunt Flo is on her way. Lovely.


Please tell me I'm not the only one in Tuesday's Twilight Zone!

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Nope, you are not alone.  I am in a nervous funk.  Supposed to be working like a maniac but can't focus.  Family drama.  Car trouble (sat in the shop waiting 4 hours for a 2 hr job).  Client drama.  Lower back pain.  Many deadlines approaching.  Want to lie down.  Got 3 traffic tickets in 2 weeks.  Kids hate 3rd grade.  School bus is late (again).  Ran out of coffee.  A very full evening is ahead, followed by more hours of work.  Oh, and Aunt Flo, don't forget Aunt Flo....

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I'm joining you.  Have to take a last-minute trip across country for a family matter.  In some ways, this is a good trip.  But in other ways, this trip is going to be fraught with emotion.  I don't handle emotions well.  Especially the kind where my mom goes from HAPPY to SAD in two seconds flat.


Plus my family here at home is starting to resent that, mentally, I'm not all here - I'm already out in CA.  Dh, especially, would like to vent some emotions on me about his family.  But honestly, I can't handle his family's issues right now.  The next 7 days are all about my parents and sibling.


Plus Stitchgirl doesn't like her math program.  Or her science.  Or the books I've given her for history.  And I still have to get her to two college classes tonight which means we won't get home until 11 and I have a 5am flight in the morning.  We don't live anywhere near the airport.


And Aunt Flo is on her way.


Tuesday's Twilight Zone - I like that.

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Aunt Flo arrived here today, too.


Maybe we should start a club.


But then we'd all be PMSing together and it would either be really great because misery loves company, or we'd all turn nasty on the same day and want to kill each other. ;)

Hmmm.  Maybe that explains some things on the board. . . . :leaving:  :lol:


(Says the woman who hasn't had an Aunt Flo visit in at least 6 months so I can rib you all about it.  I think I still PMS though only without a visible sign of why.)

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Recovering here also. The downside was that ds2 and I got sick Friday night. The upside was we didn't have to drive 2 hours on Saturday to go to his cross-country meet, sit around in the sun for 3-4 hours, then drive 2 hours back. But we also didn't get to go to the wedding of a lovely young woman at our church. And I was also plagued with pms and a vist from AF. *sigh*


At least I'm over my cold now.

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Spent the weekend having DH's buddy here, which is fine, but if he's here to do stuff with you, go DO it already instead of hanging around making we wonder why you can't be emptying the dishwasher (or filling it!), or putting away laundry, or..... Then I took the boys to a BBQ with DH's work folks - while he was doing buddy stuff. And I had a last minute request to take a dessert. Yesterday, he got home just in time to go to work. Today was kids' first day back at school, tomorrow is my first day back at work.


And yes, Aunt Flo arrived Sunday morning.

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So just to add insult to injury, I get home from grocery shopping and kids' gym, read with the kids and put them to bed, then set about putting away the groceries.  Come to find out that someone forgot a big cucumber in the vegetable/fruit drawer, some time ago.  Of course nobody else is going to clean it up and I can't exactly leave it like that.  So add another gross project to my already tired day.

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So just to add insult to injury, I get home from grocery shopping and kids' gym, read with the kids and put them to bed, then set about putting away the groceries. Come to find out that someone forgot a big cucumber in the vegetable/fruit drawer, some time ago. Of course nobody else is going to clean it up and I can't exactly leave it like that. So add another gross project to my already tired day.

Bleh! At least you can still tell it was a cucumber :D

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