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Jenna Louise Coleman Leaves Dr. Who

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I loved Catherine Tate but I thought they tied up all the loose ends nicely with the Donna story line. I haven't watched the new season though. Matt Smith kind of quelled any desire to watch the show. They've kind of overdone the young ingenue plot...maybe an alien companion?

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Oh yay, companion wars.


I'm pretty apathetic about Doctor Who lately except for my happy little fanfic bubble. Wake me up when Moffat leaves.


I hated the last season. I only watched because ds is a huge fan and it's one of the few things we still watch as a family anymore. 


While I don't like Clara, it isn't Coleman's fault. I'm just tired of the whole "The doctor needs to be saved (often from himself)" storylines.

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I hated the last season. I only watched because ds is a huge fan and it's one of the few things we still watch as a family anymore. 


While I don't like Clara, it isn't Coleman's fault. I'm just tired of the whole "The doctor needs to be saved (often from himself)" storylines.

Me, too.  The last couple seasons just seemed too convenient.  Very uncreative endings and I miss the more self-contained episodes.  

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I hated the last season. I only watched because ds is a huge fan and it's one of the few things we still watch as a family anymore. 


While I don't like Clara, it isn't Coleman's fault. I'm just tired of the whole "The doctor needs to be saved (often from himself)" storylines.






where do you find such bubbles???  I'm pretty clueless about the fanfic stuff, except that I know it exsists.

On my phone and can't link, but Teaspoon and an Open Mind is well moderated, and you can filter by Doctor, companion, rating, and category. I have it filtered to my preferences and bookmarked so I don't have to sift through anything eye-gouging. Most of the time. Weeellll, I say most of the time, I mean about half the time.


Then there's always the bizarre world of Tumblr...

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While I don't like Clara, it isn't Coleman's fault. I'm just tired of the whole "The doctor needs to be saved (often from himself)" storylines.

You're right. I don't know why every companion has to be so special.


My list would be:


Captain Jack








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Me, too.  The last couple seasons just seemed too convenient.  Very uncreative endings and I miss the more self-contained episodes.  


me too!! Why does every show have to have a story arch for the season/series?  I guess ever since the popularity of Lost it's become a "thing".    But, it's hard to keep up with all the different nuanced meanings and references to past episodes.   "Bad Wolf" goes way back to Ecclestone... do I really have to keep that in my head for 8 seasons people?????

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I am still catching up on past episodes, so I can't make my list yet.  The few episodes I've seen with Donna, she seems whiny, but I haven't seen all with her yet.  I like Rose because she reminds me of a friend, irl.  Plus I liked her in the Day of the Doctor.  We agree with pp who said 10 had good chemistry with Madame de Pompadour. 


But my ds's list is this:


1.  Clara

2.  Captain Jack

3.  Donna

4.  River

5.  Amy

6.  Mickey

7.  Rose

8.  Martha Jones

9.  Rory


Fun.  :-)

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I was jumping up and down when I read that. I'm sure the actress is a nice person but the character was so annoying. Watching that season, for every episode, I kept asking my DH if we had missed an episode because it felt so disjointed.


Yes! I was feeling the same way! I kept going back to older episodes, thinking I missed something! Not a fan of the Clara character. Though I did really like OSWIN.


Sarah Jane is my favorite companion ever, been watching DW since I was little. My dad was a big fan. I love Rose but content she is with Ten-2. LOVE Donna! But Catherine Tate and David Tenant work so well together in everything they do, I don't know if it would be the same with another Doctor. Though she and Capaldi were in the Pompeii episode.


I liked the Amy/Rori combo. old DW did that with companions. I think the new DW episodes with the combo worked well. Many of my favorite episodes were Rose/Mickey, Rose/Jack, Martha/Jack.


This weekend new Who! Can't wait!!

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