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Those never-ending projects! Sigh with me ladies.


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My closet. I tackle it, clean it out, re-organize it and still. It's such the catch-all in my house! Holder of all mine and dd's clothes (easier than going upstairs), shoes, out of season clothes, gifts to be given, wrapping/bows/gift bags, ironing to be done, filing cabinet, sheets and linens (house doesn't have a linen closet), books I need to sell, the give-away clothes basket and all those things that get put on walk-in closet top shelves. To really organize it would be a 2-day project because it would spawn so many other projects!  




Do I dare even tackle it before school starts? Please tell me I'm not alone in having those projects that never seem to quite get finished. 


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The counter by the back door... I think I could clean it completely every day and wake up to it covered in paper/keys/clutter.  No many how many "organizational" schemes I implement, it always seems to spawn something new and terrible for me to contend with.  I have no idea what's hidden there now.

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I have been married for 30 years. During that time, I, for the most part, have had houses with a garage. In the last 20 years, I have never had a garage I could actually park a vehicle in.


Does that give you some idea of the scope of 'never-ending-project' we have going on at our house?  :rolleyes: :banghead:


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I have been married for 30 years. During that time, I, for the most part, have had houses with a garage. In the last 20 years, I have never had a garage I could actually park a vehicle in.


Does that give you some idea of the scope of 'never-ending-project' we have going on at our house?  :rolleyes: :banghead:


I get  it! Boy did I feel like I had arrived when I had finally cleared out and organized enough to fit one car in the garage.  I actually really like it! Though I always fear one of my kids will scoot their bike out and leave a loooonng scratch down the side of my car. :(



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Never-freaking-ending battle. Right now, our homeschool stuff is battling for supremacy in the toy room. I'm *trying* to get it to a homeschool room, and yet it's big and light and bright and all the toys desperately want to live there. I can't even stand looking at the garage, but that's my hubby's man-land. I have often offered to help organize, but I don't even know what 90% of the tools are. 


Well, and the fact that I live with three males who are unable to find anything, even if it is in their pocket doesn't help. And... I need to simmer down and grab a drink. 


FloridaLisa, I'm not sure it helps, but you surely aren't alone. 

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I hear you and I feel your pain.  I have the twice annual clothes clean-out/hand-me down organization projects (I haven't done our spring one yet...but I should get caught up in October, right?)  There is the under-the-sink mess (we have 4 types of kitchen trash bags, organic, blue, clear and black...per our recycling instructions), Every week I have to clean it out, because various children just can't (a) seem to get trash IN the cans and (b ) various children can't seem to put things back where they go.  Then, there is my cleaning closet downstairs, that I ask people to take things and go put them away...and they wind up On The Floor.  Not on the neatly organized shelves, with products face-out, and cleaning rags neatly stacked...nope...everything goes on the floor.  The basement pantry/back up storage area?  Yup...stuff either gets put on the floor in front of the door, or on the FUTON between the school book shelves.  And, when I ask the kids/dh to PLEASE pick up the mess that surrounds the shelves, it goes in a random BOX.  Yes, I'm happy that it's no longer on the floor or the futon -- but NO.  I'm not happy about another box of random stuff to sort through.  Of course, when one of the children is missing something for school...it's in some random box and the child just stares at me blankly like, "How did it get in THERE?"  I just want stuff to get returned to where it belongs so I can tackle OTHER projects...like, I don't know, organizing the office and my craft supplies?  Or, how about just being able to find a BOOK (book cases are coming...they are coming).  So tired of the never ending projects.

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I'm right there with you! Our master bedroom closet was one of the big selling points of our house, but it has become the thorn in my flesh. It is almost 100 sq. ft.; therefore, everything that needs a home out of sight ends up in there. What was I thinking? 


I don't think mine is going to get completely tackled before we start school. I will most likely do some general clean up, though. 





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My closet. I tackle it, clean it out, re-organize it and still. It's such the catch-all in my house! Holder of all mine and dd's clothes (easier than going upstairs), shoes, out of season clothes, gifts to be given, wrapping/bows/gift bags, ironing to be done, filing cabinet, sheets and linens (house doesn't have a linen closet), books I need to sell, the give-away clothes basket and all those things that get put on walk-in closet top shelves. To really organize it would be a 2-day project because it would spawn so many other projects!  




Do I dare even tackle it before school starts? Please tell me I'm not alone in having those projects that never seem to quite get finished. 


Your problem isn't cleaning the closet out.  You can do that it,  but it won't help for long.


Your problem is that you need to DEFINE the closet.  "I use this closet for ______________, and NOTHING else."


That is the first, biggest, most important step.  The second step if deciding on where all the stuff that doesn't belong in that closet will go (it might be wise to store that stuff in a box and deal with it the next day.  Cleaning isn't hard.  Making decisions about where things are supposed to permanently live can be exhausting.

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