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What do you do with things that you really have no use for...


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...but can't quite bring yourself to get rid of? My mom gave me my christening gown/blanket/booties because she couldn't bear to get rid of them, and I thought it would be neat to have them. But now they've been hanging around my bedroom for months, and I don't know what to do with them. They're not heirloom quality (they're rough and scratchy--poor baby me!), so it would be weird to donate them. I don't think I can bring myself to throw them away. 


WWYD? Thanks!

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Yep.  Take a picture and let it go.  


It doesn't sound like you're going to give these to your kiddos someday, either, so there's double the reason to let it go.  Don't make your kids do it when they are adults.


If you *must* save something, save a baby bootie.  :)

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I stuff it in the garage. I guess I'm leaving it for future generations to decide if they want it or not.


I'm probably over sensitive to throwing things out. My mom basically threw out everything from my childhood -- while I was still a child. I never got to make the decisions. So I tend not to throw things out on the off chance my kids will have wanted it.


She cut my adored baby blanket up into a little pieces and then threw them out one by one. Towards the end, I figured out what was happening and hid one piece. I still have it.

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She cut my adored baby blanket up into a little pieces and then threw them out one by one. Towards the end, I figured out what was happening and hid one piece. I still have it.


:ohmy:  :svengo: My youngest has a wooby that she sleeps with at night and has had since she was 5 months old. I cannot ever imagine getting rid of it without her consent. I can't imagine getting rid of it WITH her consent!  I'm so sorry your mom has done that to you, but I'm glad you managed to save a piece of your precious blanket  :grouphug:

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Months? Ha! I have stuff I've held onto for years because I think it would be rude to get rid of. Dh told me to put these collectible dolls on ebay but a friend gave them to me. I almost gave them away once, when we had a falling out and I wasn't concerned about any ties to the friendship. The dolls are a bit creepy. Maybe one day I will part with them.


I have the same tendency, and I'm trying hard to fight it! In your case, I would totally eBay those dolls. Creepy dolls don't get to stay in this house :lol:

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I'm confused... why did she think you would want them?


Are you asking me or flyingiguana? If you're asking me, it's because she was having the same trouble parting with them that I'm having, and she asked me if I wanted them. I thought it would be nice to have them as a keepsake, but then once I had them, I realized I have no use for them and there's no practical reason to keep them!


ETA: Oops, I was typing as you were editing :D

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I'd keep it in a box for a while, just to save my mom's feelings.


Your kids might get a kick out of it someday - thinking of you being so little and of how tenderly your mom must have cared to save it all those years.  :)

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I'd keep it in a box for a while, just to save my mom's feelings.


Your kids might get a kick out of it someday - thinking of you being so little and of how tenderly your mom must have cared to save it all those years.  :)


I'm going to call her and see how she feels about it. If she feels strongly, she can have them back :lol:


That's a good point about showing the kids; I don't think I ever did. Although they're even bigger packrats than I am, so I'd be taking a risk that I'll be forced to keep them!

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I have a hope chest full of things that I have no use for but can't throw out - my baptismal candle, my mother's first pair of shoes, my father's baby tag.  The hope chest doubles as a bench and is rarely ever opened.  If you can create an out of the way space to put sentimental items, do that and don't think about it again.


Other than that chest, I'm a minimalist and support tossing it out or donating it.  

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I'm glad you are going to ask her first.  I have heard many moms sadly tell me that they gave their relative something sentimental to them and that person threw it in the garbage.  I wouldn't want to do that, but to each her own.

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...but can't quite bring yourself to get rid of? My mom gave me my christening gown/blanket/booties because she couldn't bear to get rid of them, and I thought it would be neat to have them. But now they've been hanging around my bedroom for months, and I don't know what to do with them. They're not heirloom quality (they're rough and scratchy--poor baby me!), so it would be weird to donate them. I don't think I can bring myself to throw them away. 


WWYD? Thanks!


Do one of your kids have a doll or teddy that would like a christening gown?


Otherwise, I agree with others, take a pic, then toss it.


Keeping stuff isn't sentimental, it's burdensome.

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Just because you wore it as a baby, doesn't mean it's worth keeping. Is it exquisite? Does it bring you deep joy?   If you choose to keep sentimental items have a reasonable, limited space that forces you to go through them and get rid of things over time or make an artistic memento of them.


I have a cedar chest for sentimental items.  When the chest is full, it's time to take something out before putting something new in.


My greatgrandmother made a beautiful little newborn dress for my mother. For her birthday one year I had it put in a large, antique picture frame that matches my mother's decor with a beautiful, rich background piece of fabric to contrast the details in the cut lace.  It's on the wall now.


Also, as someone posted above, you can take a nice photo of it and maybe put that photo in an album next to the photo of you wearing it as a baby, then get rid of it.  Donate it.  Throw it away.  Whatever.

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I have a hope chest full of things that I have no use for but can't throw out - my baptismal candle, my mother's first pair of shoes, my father's baby tag.  The hope chest doubles as a bench and is rarely ever opened.  If you can create an out of the way space to put sentimental items, do that and don't think about it again.


Other than that chest, I'm a minimalist and support tossing it out or donating it.  


I have a box for these kinds of things, too - my dad's dog tags, my mom's 3rd grade report card, my grandfather's pipe ... I do pull them out every so often. I have one child who's very sentimental and we love going through the box and reminiscing.  My box is a cardboard banker's box. I really need to get something nicer like a hope chest.


But I do use my baptismal candle! We've always lit it on special days like other sacraments, anniversary of some sacraments, our name/feast day, graduations and Easter.  In fact, in my extended family it's custom that the godfather's gift is a fancier, special candlestick; it is stored with the baptismal candle and brought out only on important days in the godchild's life when the candle will also be lit. When a relative dies or is near death, we light the candle and let it burn continuously until it's gone. 


Maybe you can start lighting yours on feast days and other important days - that way you can still "keep" and appreciate that slice of your personal history without the need to store it. Even for those who are no longer Catholic, it's a neat way to share a part of your early life with your spouse and kids. 


As for the baptismal gown ... we hand ours down but an aunt who married into our family had the family custom of a new, gorgeous gown for each baby.  She had no inkling to save it for future grandkids, and instead had it framed. It looks lovely. I think if I were the OP I'd have it framed and then give it back to my mom to display at HER house! :lol: 

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