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Does anyone else still feel too burned out to start planning?

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I am really excited! i just hit the PAY button for TOPS "get a grip".  I want Primary Lentil but that looks like work lol. I think ds7 will love this :-)!!!!  Ds11 is technically past the info but he may still enjoy it.



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We took the summer off this year - the first time we've ever done that - and I can't seem to get us going again. :-( I was going to start September 2nd but then realized that my DH's days off that week will be Tuesday and Wednesday. There's almost no point in trying to start then. So I think I'll just wait until the 8th. It just feels sooo late! Especially since I have one who is pretty far behind already. I just ordered our books on Monday so at this point I'm just hoping they get here in time to get a few days planned before we start. I'm teaching all 4 this year so I'll have K, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th. I've been a bit overwhelmed by that and the fact that the 5th grader is so far behind. I've just been stuck in research mode trying to figure out an easier way to do this. I finally figured out that there isn't one, not that's in our budget anyway. Now I'll add in the stress of not having a plan when we start too. :-P

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We started three weeks ago. I'm so burned out this year. I dread every day. This is the first year (10th year of homeschooling) that I didn't start out excited. I thought being in a co-op would help, but that may actually be worse (other than the fact that I get a morning off. Lol). I'm living for the weekends. Lol

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Our summer has been really disrupted. We normally school year-round and I do some planning of resources but I also plan throughout the year. It goes fairly smoothly.


This year we had relatives visiting for a month from abroad, then a trip, then Ramadan, then another trip, and now houseguests. I've never had to get going again after summer and I hope to never do it again.

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Um, yes. 


I am so completely burnt out and overwhelmed and last year was such a failure that I get panic attacks when I start planning.  For the first time I am completely lost and have no idea where to begin. 




Try one thing for a few days then add in something else. Don't try to eat the whole elephant. You can do it.  :auto:

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I burned out two months before the end of the year (not school related but school came to a halt while we lowered our goals to surviving and being decent to each other). After that we had two months of vacation (overseas) and even with a total of four months off, my excitement about school did not return. I did start to look forward to a normal looking, regular schedule back in our own living space but I have made no ambitious plans this year. Almost everything I've chosen is open & go/do-the-next-thing, so no need for planning and scheduling. Also, I am refusing to turn content subjects into work for my little ones (or me)—we will enjoy ourselves or we will not make the effort. I still look and sound burned out but I actually have a sober optimism and enthusiasm on the inside.

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Yay for those who are getting motivated. I am, too, but it is slow going. But I am proud to say I have the school room closet cleaned out and that was a HUGE job. There was stuff in there from when my kids first started homeschooling 5-6 years ago! Now I need to focus on getting the bookcase and desks in order. After that, it is prepping with our binders and we're all set! I'm aiming for the day after Labor Day. (Hubby will be home for Labor Day.) :)

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Burned out here, too.  I am trying to muster some enthusiasm, but not feeling it.  I've never started a school year feeling so ... blah.


Monday we start back to working on our MBtP units - which were supposed to just be for summer fun! - after a long sick break. I haven't even finished deciding on the new curriculum we start in Sep.  



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Whenever I start to think about pinning down plans and lessons and resources and schedules, my brain just shuts down. I can't seem to organize the simplest of thoughts. It's like there are squirrels in my head or something :willy_nilly:  I know we need to start on the 15th, but ugh! I really can't seem to settle down and get to planning.


Is it just me? 

Nope, I have zero motivation to plan school this year.  Every year I say I am going to just educate myself and let my kids do whatever.  This year I keep wondering if they wouldn't be better off in ps.  I think the answer is no.  I have tons of resources.  I just do not want to plan anything.

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Yes, I'm with you.  I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately.  Instead of just getting it done, I've just shut down and procrastinated.  We haven't done anything fun this summer, money is an issue, and the weather has been so not summer-like that I'm having trouble even thinking about starting the fall stuff again.


This!  Exactly.

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I don't think I'm burned out, I think it's more a matter of procrastination. I am enjoying being lazy, and I'm intentionally avoiding planning the nitty-gritty details. Most of the outside-the-house activities and math programs are pretty much in place. Now I just need to figure out exactly what I will do with the dc at home.

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Are people experiencing more of these feelings this year than usual?


I think I am. I actually do pretty much know what we are doing as we start the academic year, since it is largely just a continuation from last year plus current events focus, plus any special projects or learning I hope my ds will choose himself, so it is not really the planning for that, but I am feeling unable to plan out and do other things, like house improvement and maintenance related things that need to be done, for example. I'm wondering if there might even be a current events aspect to this (sort of like being under the volcano), helping lead to a feeling of something like burn out, though I am not sure that "burn out" is quite it.    


This resonates with me too:



mom2scouts, on 02 Aug 2014 - 08:24 AM, said:snapback.png

Yes, I'm with you.  I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately.  Instead of just getting it done, I've just shut down and procrastinated.  We haven't done anything fun this summer, money is an issue, ...


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