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Fun thread: planning a frozen bday party on a budget


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I am throwing my twin girls a Frozen themed birthday party. It will actually be a party and then a sing along viewing of Frozen.


So far my lunch menu planned is:


Coronation Sandwiches (chicken salad with sunflower kernels and grapes on croissant)


Troll Stones (meatballs)


Olaf noses (carrots)


Olaf arms (pretzels)


Sven's Salad


For dessert I have so far:


Cupcakes (white with white sanding sugar)


Snowballs (donut holes)


I have a family coming that is anti food coloring due to most white choices. I'll just decorate with blues and whites and sparkly stuff.


I'm thinking of white sgeets to cover our sofas and white fluffy pillows in floor for movie viewings...


Any other neat cheap indoor decor ideas? I'm thinking snowflakes, snow "tree" cones and tissue flowers hanging from ceilings.

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I recently helped a friend put one together. Here are a couple more ideas from our efforts:)


1. We made a stuffed giant Olaf puzzle. We made the body parts by quickly stitching a 'ball' of cheap white cotton and stuffing it with shredded paper...but you could stuff with whatever you have, old clothes, blanket, etc. the kids had a blast assembling/reassembling him. We had decorated a little summer themed, beach corner of the room for him from random summer decorations. A huge cardboard sun, beach umbrella, beach ball...even a big pool with sand in the bottom as we had little siblings attending the party as well and were hoping to keep them occupied.


2. We had a mock snowball fight inside with fake snowballs...and the kids had a real one outside. We bought 2 cooler-fuls of 'snowballs' from a local shaved-ice place. I think they were about $20 total?


3. We made a princess castle ice sculpture! This was so cool. I have a 3-D castle cake pan and we simple filled 1/2 with water and froze it. Then the other half. When solid, I used a paintbrush to wet the top (middle) and quickly out the halves together. Freeze again. It took a few tries to get them to stay, but was really fun and cool.


This was so fun that I went a bit crazy with the ice...hey, water was cheap, right?' I bought silicon candy molds in a princess theme and made ice cubes for our 'blue' juice. Marshmallows floating on top.


4. One thing I actually just saw at Disneyland two weeks ago...they had done 'candied apples' but dipped in white chocolate and decorated to look like Olafs. That could be a neat party favor.

We instead made home-made PlayDough snowmen with things to decorate them in little keepsake jars.


We also played a bunch of games such as the toilet paper wrapping game, pin the nose on Olaf, and had a scavenger hunt with Frozen trivia to 'find Olaf's parts'. They played freeze tag and a bunch of other stuff as well.

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If you plan to use marshmallows, be aware that most contain blue food coloring and the family with issues may not be able to eat them. At least some commercial frostings do as well, not sure about cake mixes.


http://spoonful.com/disney/too-cool-frozen-inspired-crafts-recipes#carousel-id=photo-carousel&carousel-item=11 has some printables of the girls you can print out in color and use as decorations. You can also buy white paper lunch bags to be either favor bags or to make snowmen by stuffing them with paper and tying with crochet cotton. Make strings of the paper snowflakes on the crochet cotton and hang as a door curtain. Spraypaint branches white and dust with glitter to be a centerpiece. 


http://spoonful.com/parties/frozen-party-ideas#carousel-id=photo-carousel&carousel-item=9 has a cute idea for snowman water bottles.

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We were recently at a sled-dog party and the hostess cleverly used fluffed up batting (the filling that you put in stuffed animals) as snow underneath the table centerpieces. It was adorable!


Happy party planning!

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We were recently at a sled-dog party and the hostess cleverly used fluffed up batting (the filling that you put in stuffed animals) as snow underneath the table centerpieces. It was adorable!


Happy party planning!


My grandmother used to use quilt batting to cover her coffee table as a base for Christmas decorations. It is done more in sheets than the fiberfill for stuffed animals, so it stays in place a bit better.

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I'm pretty hopeless with making icing do what I want, so I've used the mini plastic figurines (the Polly Pocket sized ones) as cake decorations for parties in the past. This is nice if the birthday child is of an age to be getting them as a present, as it does double duty. Making elastic bracelets with the crystal-look beads and maybe a snowflake bead/charm could be fun.


I poked around a bit out of curiosity and saw folks stringing cotton balls for door "snow" curtains (easier than cutting out a million little snowflakes), snowman cheese sticks (draw face and buttons on the wrappers, glue on a black paper tophat, tie a ribbon for a scarf), print out the round cupcake toppers from Disney and glue them on water bottles, a snowman bowling game (could also use cardboard tubes, soda bottles, make "snowballs" to throw out of stuffed socks, etc) http://www.pinterest.com/pin/103371753922284226/   or http://www.craftaholicsanonymous.net/diy-snowman-bowling-game


Here's a link for Frozen photo booth props (which could probably be made from craft foam). My daughter just went to a birthday party where they had some of these types of props (not Frozen, general props like mustaches) and the girls had a great time taking photos of themselves and each other with them, which the hostess then emailed out. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/103371753922284226/


look up diy snowflake window clings for ideas on making these with glue and glitter or puff paint. These are technically stars, I suppose, but would work for snowflakes, and are dead easy to make large decorations to hang http://pretendingtobedomestic.blogspot.com/2009/11/amazingly-easy-paper-snowflake-craft.html  the size is determined by the size of your squares., so you can use this for lots of things. 

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Love the ideas! Thanks so much! I love the idea of using ice as much as possible...wish we had a shaved ice place here or I would indulge in the snow balls. Cute!

You can do it at home relatively cheap (here's just one option):


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You don't have to do anything.  Just play the blasted song.  My DD17 worked a princess camp.  She said when that song was played it was surreal.  The kids all just sang along like they were possessed.  They didn't stop what they were doing.  They didn't miss a beat.  They just snapped in like little hypnotized ballerinas and none of THEM thought it was strange at all.  Yep.  That's my answer.  Hit 'play' and sit back with a glass of wine.

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