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Devious Experiment on DD

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I'm so sick of science!  Every single curriculum we've tried has been sub-par.  Therefore, I decided, since DD was going into 6th grade, that we would try interest-led science for all our middle school years.


I asked DD what she would like to study, and she came up with a couple ideas which could be unit studies.  However, when I specifically asked her which branch of science  she enjoys most, she had absolutely no clue and didn't express enthusiasm about science at all.


So, I got a Home Science Tools catalog in the mail the other day.  This is the first one I've ever gotten, and I was AMAZED.  A little light bulb went off in my head.  I took the catalog and a highlighter to my daughter.  I proceeded to ask her to highlight everything in the catalog that she liked or thought would be cool to use or learn.  She gave me a YUCK face, but took the stuff.


Lo and behold, a few minutes later she ran into the room I was in and started gushing about this...and that....oh and look at this!  When I finally got the magazine back, almost everything on the Chemistry, Physics, Geology, and some Biology pages were highlight -- some with STARS!


This told me a lot.  DD really likes Chemistry and Physics!  Who'd a thought?!  She always tells me she hates bugs, yet she highlighted the insect backpacker kit....because it has a glass viewing container and she wouldn't have to hold or catch the bugs with her hands!  She scoffs at Geology, but loves rocks and highlighted almost everything in that section -- along with a lot of other earth science stuff.  Oh, and forensic science -- all highlighted with stars!


Now I have some inkling of what to concentrate on, what kits to buy and build a unit lesson around.  No more so-so science for us (I hope).

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We did two years (not back-to-back) of interest led science.  I've found some good science curriculum, but as I look back over our 15 years of homeschooling, those are some of the best memories!  It wasn't off for me (as teacher) by any means!  But it was a different role in which I was more the co-navigator and locator of good resources.  Good stuff! Enjoy your year!



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Awesome idea! I'm giving my 6th grade son the catalog right now! I had been trying to come up with some type of unit study for him to get him more engaged, This sounds great.


I just received an email from them for free shipping on orders over $99 until 7/15.

Here's the code: PSHIP714



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I have a bachelors degree in chemistry, and when I was in HS and college I HATED studying in my book-only lecture classes.  Get me in a lab and I would shine!  I cannot say enough about how important hands on science experiments can be when studying science.  Good luck to you and I hope you have a wonderful year using all of your supplies!

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