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Entertain/educate me--stuck in bed with pneumonia


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I am in bed through the weekend per doctor's orders. I am not up to reading anything beyond super fluffy stuff, but I can watch stuff from my iPad.


You tube clips, podcasts, netflix, amazon prime....what is something you have been dying to share?Also, if it's not for little eyes or ears, let me know. I have a sitter here, but my toddler or another child sometimes comes up to snuggle. (Dh and oldest come back into town tomorrow...it has been a long, hard week here...had to call in reinforcements.)

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If you don't mind vulgarity, try epic rap battles of history (can't link on my phone sorry!) I enjoyed:


Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs

Dumbledore vs Gandalf

Rick Grimes vs Walter White

Freddy Mercury vs Frank Sinatra


Definitely R rated but very funny .

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Anything Neil deGrasse Tyson is a family favorite! Thanks for the link; I didn't know about this show being available online!


The first couple have expired already, but the rest are up for 90 days.


If you are a fan (as am I) then look for his clips on youtube. There is a 90 min (I think?) interview of him by Stephen Colbert. It's not a Daily Show interview so Colbert isn't in character, but it is very good. I think it was done at a college?


And last night I saw that Carl Sagan's wonderful book Demon Haunted World is available as an an audiobook on youtube. I guess the audio version is OOP and someone threw it up there. If you like Neil deGrasse Tyson then you would prob enjoy listening to that.


And don't forget that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are all streaming online.


Rachel Maddow has a podcast of her show available. It downloads a day behind so I am always watching last night's news when I make dinner, lol. But you can pick either a video or audio podcast and it is the whole show, not just clips. It is commercial free as well.

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Yes, I'd marathon a TV series, or some Costume Drama.  If you have a short attention span, then there's 100 5-minute youtube episodes of Lizzie Bennet Diaries!  A little PG-13 for sporadic crude language, which will likely go right over the head of a child 5 and under.

(But watch the 6-hour Colin Firth version of Pride & Prejudice, of course!)


And rest!


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