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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning! Finally, I have a stay at home day. We'll see how much I get accomplished:)


Promised waffles for breakfast so I have to get on that next

Laundry; towels in dryer; ds will fold and put away

Dining room and family room windows

Clean 3 toilets (good times:P)

Oversee Latin and Math

Change ds dental appt.

Work on school planning


Dinner: LO grilled chicken over pasta; salad and dinner rolls


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- dishes

- laundry- just gotta fold it

- tidy house- done

- summer school planning

- finish sight word cards

- try to get a friend to come over to play with dd1-none of her friends are available today so we just got back from geocaching (we found 2 out of 3) and we found 2 tadpoles that we are going to study (dd1 is excited:d)

- pick up more index cards- done

- make dr. appointment in city- July 16th at 1

- dinner- eaten

- bedtime routine

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Good morning!


I thought of Lucky this morning as I got up early to weed. We had pounding rains yesterday afternoon and evening, so it was easy. Still it might be my least favorite part of owning a house.


We have am practice soon and after, I will drop off dd1 at my mom's and pick up some hand-me down patio furniture.

Home to:

school for some

chores for all


make list for grocery store

clean mudroom-starting to smell like a pool


Have a great day!

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Good morning!


Dh didn't hear anything yesterday, but he was already lined up for another interview at a different center (part-time). They must take every candidate through the whole process. He doesn't have much experience teaching math, and that is a big part of the job. He's concerned he won't get full-time. 



Walk with dh 


tidy house


take dd to volunteer at library

pay bills

pick her up

early dinner

take ds to swim practice

go clean the office


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Good Morning....


Amy, keeping your dh in my prayers and hope he lands an awesome job!  :grouphug:


It's yucky here....humid!  :ack2:   I seriously think I could live at Ft. Irwin, CA or El Paso, TX again with no complaints.  ;)



  • strong storms from lunch time on....last night they thought we might have had a tornado less than 2 miles from our home, but I think it was straight line winds...waiting for the NWS to let us know.
  • I awoke to Belgium waffles this morning thanks to oldest dd and grand-baby.  
  • we did a quick clean of the first floor and everyone is getting a shower before the storms roll in.

To Do:

  • school...lots of school and lesson plans
  • make homemade burgers and loaded baked potatoes for dinner

Hope you all have a lovely day! 

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Morning, Girlies!


Tammy, scary. Hope you guys stay safe! Here, the weather is same-old, same-old..... Hot and dry, hot and dry!


Today I can stay home. I am enjoying my summer vacation so far. This is the first time in several years that I do not have a big summer painting project. I'm just relaxing. Although I am co-directing VBS at our church in July.



** made homemade icecream..... just because.....

** made popcicles for the kids (ripe bananas, a peach, can of Kern's nectar, a little stevia in the blender, now in paper cups in the freezer, I'll add sticks in a couple of hours)


To do:

** bake cookies

** work on VBS stuff

** continue cleaning up/cleaning out the school room

** watch World Cup

** figure out something for dinner


Have a great day everyone!

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Got kitchen stuff done, kitchen stuff mostly cleaned up.


I am so drowsy this afternoon. It's like I'm so used to going full bore all the time that when I have a day or two of nothing much I just crash. Oh well, I'm carrying around my glass of iced tea and trying to do something. Anything. If I sit down I'll fall asleep for sure!

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List is good thus far. I don't know why i tidy early because it already needs more. I need to do it right before bed. Maybe messy fairies won't come and clutter up during the night. 


Dh's interview went well, but we don't know anything. He's been interviewed for 4 positions, 2 part-time and 2 full-time. Each interview has been with a different team from each of the 4 centers. He said there hasn't been one male interviewer the entire time. Females definitely dominate education. 

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I know that at this late time (for most of you) I'm talking to myself but I need to write this down to keep myself accountable.


Ds and dd are sorting laundry and will get a load of whites going for dh so that he has socks and underwear for tomorrow.  He was getting a bit cranky today searching for something clean to wear. . . 


I am cleaning the kitchen.  I have more to do after that but I'm going to start with that.

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Kitchen mostly clean.  I did get the dishwasher unloaded, loaded again and running.

The wet clothes are in the dryer.  Dh will be happy. :001_smile:

i was going to do some more cleaning in the kitchen - a couple of hand wash items and the counters but I can't find the strength to even force myself to do it.  The same for the clothes I was going to fold and put away.  

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