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I'm not a good shopper

Night Elf

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I don't like shopping either. Took my sons out to get stuff for an upcoming youth trip and I was exhausted as well. I've decided I dislike shopping so much that I would rather give up sugar and junk food to lose a few pounds than have to go shopping for new clothes. My aversion to shopping out weighs my aversion to exercise.

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I know exactly how you feel. We went dorm room shopping last year and I just plain stink at that kind of thing. It was supposed to be fun but it just exhausted me and it felt like punishment. Ugh.  Hmm...that might explain why we have over 100 orders using our Amazon Prime so far this year, while I have no idea what stores are even located in the nearest mall. 

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Another shopping hater.  Well...unless it is books or educational stuff at a deep discount (and I was that way before I ever had kids :) ) ...  One trip to the mall and I am wiped out for the entire day.  


Hugs, Night Elf.  Eat sandwiches and be happy!  Stuff cooking.  You did your duty for king and country.   :)


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I hate going to stores.  I can't stand the lights, the noise, the overwhelming amount of stuff! And I swear, they put some drug in the air to cause you to be confused. :D   I tend to go only to get what I need, but that exhausts me too.  


I love being able to get stuff online, but there are times you just have to go to the stores.  


Enjoy your sandwiches, and I recommend a glass of wine. :)

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 I ate the mall, avoid it like the plague! I shop mostly at Target, Costco, Giant (grocery store) some smaller clothing stores if I need to. Online shopping is one of the best things man has ever invented. We are having take-out tonight and I never left the house today, so enjoy!! You deserve it;)

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I love the mall when the weather is dreary (not on the weekends). I love doing laps and everyone eating exactly what they want in the food court. I love going to the movies with my family. I do NOT like actually going into the stores or having to buy things. Someone always needs something and I dread having to go get it.


Sandwiches are a perfectly respectable dinner!

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