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Fresh string beans

Night Elf

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Won't tossing them with olive oil make them taste oily?


If you don't like the taste of the olive oil, you can use butter, or just leave them plain.   Or, don't use too much! 


I summer mine till just tender, then sautee briefly in olive oil with thinly-sliced shallots.  If I have them, I toss in some hazelnuts too. 

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Well..... I have a vegetable steamer, so I generally throw them in there. When I want to make them really good I then mix the steamed beans with sautéed mushrooms and diced bacon and salt and pepper (and if I want to make them really really good, then I throw a little of the bacon grease on it and toss). The other day I was out of bacon, so I steamed as usual, then just tossed with some sautéed onions and about 3-4 cloves of sautéed garlic. That was good, too.

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Won't tossing them with olive oil make them taste oily?


Not if you like Olive Oil.  Cook them until the desired tenderness of your taste.  Some folks like them mushy, some like them crunchy.  If you are used to canned, you may prefer them more well done.  Don't use a lot of water, as the nutrients go down the drain then.

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way better than boiling them is to saute them in oil of your choice. Sprinkle with garlic oil while cooking. Delicious!!


this. You can do various seasonings if you want. You can saute them with bacon (oh so yum), or just in olive oil & salt & pepper, or olive oil & garlic, or with onions, or mushrooms, or....yum. 


I only boil them or steam them when my family wants them to be as soft as canned. 

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