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what is reporting all about?


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Still. Watching. You.

Thank you.


I take back all those times I reported you.


And didn't throw my like frisbee your way when you were being fab.u.lous.


And ate the last cupcake with frosting leaving behind sad muffins.

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What?!  Oh, dear.  O.k. gonna take a little bit.  Hang in there!   :)


Anybody want some grainfree, eggfree, nutfree cookies with chocolate chips?  

No, stop, no chocolate! Make it carob and while your at it I prefer organic :)

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You know, I hadn't thought about it that way before, because when it's online it seems different, but if anyone started a thread about how she went to lunch with a group of friends and she disagreed with what they were saying, so they all got incredibly rude and told her she was stupid and uninformed, we would all be posting to tell her how rotten they'd been and how she needed to find some new friends.


That's an interesting perspective.

Right, but would we tell her to ignore them or tell them they were rude? Or would we tell her to call her mom or some other authority figure to deal with them?

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Right, but would we tell her to ignore them or tell them they were rude? Or would we tell her to call her mom or some other authority figure to deal with them?

In real life, I'd tell her to find new friends, but in an online situation, that would be like telling her to go join another forum, which would be mean, so she would report me for it and I'd be the one with the warning points.


Confusion reigns. ;)

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Too bad you women are all about the sweets.


I just got back from the grocery store where I bought the ingredients for Layered Greek Dip. Hummus, olives, roasted red peppers, cukes, tomatoes, and feta with Pita chips.


O.k. now I am officially pulling out the humus and pita chips.  Only thing I have to counter the Layered Greek dip craving.  

Right, but would we tell her to ignore them or tell them they were rude? Or would we tell her to call her mom or some other authority figure to deal with them?


Probably a nice selection of all of the above....

Triple dog dare!!!

O.k. no more cookies for you, Missy.  I am giving them all to Dawn (except for the special snow flake ones for Soror)...

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Too bad you women are all about the sweets.


I just got back from the grocery store where I bought the ingredients for Layered Greek Dip. Hummus, olives, roasted red peppers, cukes, tomatoes, and feta with Pita chips.

That sounds nutritious.


There will be none of that here tonight!!! (But you can still stay. :))

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Right, but would we tell her to ignore them or tell them they were rude? Or would we tell her to call her mom or some other authority figure to deal with them?

Some of us might tell her to flip a table.


Of course some of us may have watched Real Housewives of New Jersey during a stretch of insomnia...........

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Seriously?????? :eek:


After hearing that, I don't miss her any more! :angry:


She didn't like me, either, but she I don't think she called me any names.

She was my resident troll.  I don't miss her, but I sure miss the fun of the hunt lol

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Well, I want more Likes. Will a replicator give me likes?

Signs point to NO:


"Star Trek Replicator:


Devices derived from transporter technology to dematerialize matter and then reconstitute it in another form.


Replicators, in use since the early 24th century, are most commonly used as food dispensers aboard Federation starships. The menu is only limited by the programming, as opposed to the days of carrying natural or reconstituted foodstuffs with delivery by special turbolifts or transporters.


Generally replicated food and "natural" food taste the same, though some people claim to be able to detect a difference. For instance, Captain Picard kept real caviar stored for special occasions since he felt replicated caviar was inferior to the real thing."



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Signs point to NO:


"Star Trek Replicator:


Devices derived from transporter technology to dematerialize matter and then reconstitute it in another form.


Replicators, in use since the early 24th century, are most commonly used as food dispensers aboard Federation starships. The menu is only limited by the programming, as opposed to the days of carrying natural or reconstituted foodstuffs with delivery by special turbolifts or transporters.


Generally replicated food and "natural" food taste the same, though some people claim to be able to detect a difference. For instance, Captain Picard kept real caviar stored for special occasions since he felt replicated caviar was inferior to the real thing."



I'm so sad!  I wanted to replicate more likes.   :(

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So, thinking that someone else shouldn't be attacked is being "thin-skinned"? I don't understand the thinking of "it's ok for someone to attack someone else" and be allowed to get away with is. My brother-in-law attacks my daughter verbally for no reason. He's done this for 15 years now. I suppose you think my daughter and I are just "thin-skinned" and should tolerate his rude and inappropriate behavior then? My sister's response is "oh, he always does that." I guess to her and you all, that makes his rude behavior ok.

That is a leap and not comparable. The power differential between your dd and her uncle is completely different than peers on a forum. And no one said abuse or child abuse was ok?


Why on earth so you subject your dd to this man for 14 years? Why did you allow it more than 2x?

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