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Too Many Kisses

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Wheatens are very exuberant greeters -- they go for the face, and if someone lets them, they will lick that person for 5 minutes.


I don't like it.  If Aidan tries to lick me, I offer him the back of my hand for one kiss or block him with my hand.  He's used to me.  Everyone else lets him get away with it.  He even licks their ears and eyelids. Yuck!

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Since I have large dogs (white German Shepherds) I taught them from the beginning not to lick me (even though I adore happy new puppy kisses).


When they would start to lick I would gently move their head away and say "no lick" firmly and then redirect the activity with some petting or play time.  It really did not take long for them to get it.  Now it did take longer for them to figure out that ALL humans prefer not to be licked/groomed...


My dad has a small dog (yorkie) and allows this dog to lick him all over.... YUCK!  Even this dog that I see once or twice a year knows not to lick me (it usually takes just a few reminders then I'm safe!). 

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Since I have large dogs (white German Shepherds) I taught them from the beginning not to lick me (even though I adore happy new puppy kisses).


When they would start to lick I would gently move their head away and say "no lick" firmly and then redirect the activity with some petting or play time.  It really did not take long for them to get it.  Now it took longer for them to figure out that ALL humans prefer not to be licked/groomed...


My dad has a small dog (yorkie) and allows this dog to lick him all over.... YUCK!  Even this dog that I see once or twice a year knows not to lick me (it usually takes just a few reminders then I'm safe!). 




It takes time and patience and works a LOT better if all humans participate in training.  But following the above advice to teach "no lick" (or "no kiss" or whatever you want to name the behavior) should work.

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Grab his tongue. It's annoying and harmless. It might take about a week, but I like that option because it's not a punishment, as he hasn't actually done anything wrong. Come up with an "It's ok to kiss me" signal, like offering the back of your hand.

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