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Looking for German, Russian, Swedish, or Japanese movies

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I have a few Japanese movies, but will always take new suggestions. Ds has added Swedish to the list of languages he wants to learn (thankfully probably not until college). I'd like to add movies to our summer viewing schedule, preferably ones I can get at Netflix or Amazon Prime. 


We're somewhat liberal on content, probably not ready for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo though (I have no desire to see them either). 


Prefer sub-titles over dubbed. Thanks. 

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I watch a lot of dramas and movies mainly from Korea but also Japan and Taiwan.  So I have a list at mydramalist.com which is a great place to look up Asian movies and shows to see what they are about.  Now you may want to preview or at least read more about them.  I have not seen the movies on the list.  If they were Korean I would say that they are fine since Korea has pretty strict censorship and courtship is the way of romance in a lot of their movies and dramas although they do have a few things with more adult themes.


I mainly watched Japanese dramas but I have a few movies on my list that looked interesting:


Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu seems like a typical rom-com

Lovely Complex is a fun rom-com, I read the manga and it's pretty cute.

Nodame Cantabile, is actually and 11-episode drama but it is supposed to be really good and there is a lot of excitement over the Korean remake.

Pika*nchi Life's Hard Dayedo Happy  actually stars all the members of Arashi (a boy-band so it's probably pretty tame)

Taiyo No Uta is supposed to be really good

Usagi Drop is supposed to be one that touches your heart but you may want to watch it first.


If you use an online streaming site like gooddrama, they will have subtitles.  I don't know if any of them are available on DVD or anything like that I do most of my watching online at sites like Viki, Dramafever, Kdrama, etc. 


Good luck.




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The Tunnel used to be available streaming on Netflix. It was a miniseries (German TV does a lot of these 2-3 night dramas) about a group of people who dug a tunnel under the Berlin wall in order to get out loved ones.


There was one sex scene and a shot of an attempted suicide.



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You might consider Run Lola Run.  It's a German movie.  It does have some language as I recall and is rated R.


My daughter first saw snippets of it in a community college class (sometime during 11th or 12th grade) and loved it.



"A thrilling post-MTV, roller-coaster ride, RUN LOLA RUN is the internationally acclaimed sensation about two star-crossed lovers who have only minutes to change the course of their lives. Time is running out for Lola (Franka Potente). She's just received a frantic phone call from her boyfriend, Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu), who's lost a small fortune belonging to his mobster boss. If Lola doesn't replace the money in twenty minutes, Manni will surely suffer severe consequences. Set to a throbbing techno score, "Lola's like a human stun gun!" Peter Rainer, New York Magazine."




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It is well worth spending $7.99 a month for Hulu Plus. They have 800+ titles from the Criterion collection.


Some Japanese movies that have been hits here are


The Hidden Fortress - Inspiration for Star Wars

Zatoichi The Blind Swords Man

The Seven Samurai

Good Morning


Anything that stars Toshiro Mifune is worth watching.


Hulu also has a huge collection of anime that you can watch with subtitles or dubbed. We prefer the subtitled ones.


Downfall German movie about the last days of Hilter. It is an intense movie so you may want to watch it first to see if it is suitable.

North Face - German film about trying to climb the north face of the Eiger.


Battleship Potemkin - Russian silent movie.

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All the Miyazaki movies:  Totoro, Laputa:  Castle in the Sky, Porco Rosso, Ponyo, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, among others.  Don't watch Princess Mononoke with little ones.

All the Kurosawa movies:  Seven Samurai, Ran, Kagemusha, Yojimbo, Hidden Fortress, Sanjuro, Dreams, among others.



Pippi Longstocking


Everything that has been mentioned so far, and:

The Counterfeiters

The Harmonists

My Best Enemy

Wings of Desire

and for older kids, Deutschland Bleiche Mutter


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