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Those of you who walk/run

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Do you do this on a treadmill or outside?

Do you do your work out in the morning or afternoon?

I have been wanting to start walking. I don't enjoy the treadmill.

I am afraid to walk alone..just me plenty of women do it in our subdivision.

What do you do with your kids while you are walking/running?


How did you work yourselves up to jogging? I would love to jog, but never have been able to get my breathing right...so I am not gasping for breath!

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Do you do this on a treadmill or outside?

Do you do your work out in the morning or afternoon?

I have been wanting to start walking. I don't enjoy the treadmill.

I am afraid to walk alone..just me plenty of women do it in our subdivision.

What do you do with your kids while you are walking/running?


How did you work yourselves up to jogging? I would love to jog, but never have been able to get my breathing right...so I am not gasping for breath!


I use a treadmill and walk outside. I can only walk/run outside. I have enough trouble staying on the treadmill just walking. Coordination is not my strong suit.

I walk early in the morning and in the evening. I do often walk alone, but many others are outside walking, biking etc in our neighborhood.

My ds is old enough to leave at home alone, although he will often bike with me while I walk.

Check out the daily exercise thread to see what others are doing.

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I walk, and am slowly starting to run. I'd start out walking regularly, and then when you get comfortable, try running a bit on your walk, just a little bit, and each time try to run a little bit more.


I prefer to walk in the mornings, but I do walk in the evenings as well. I love doing a long walk in the early morning - even if I get nothing done the rest of the day, I still walked 8 miles, and that's accomplishing something. If I walk in the evenings, I tend to stay up later than I should.


If you don't want to walk alone, do you have a friend that would like to walk with you? Walking with a friend makes the time go by faster, and it ensures that you will actually walk when you schedule it. ;)


Are your children mature enough to stay by themselves for half-hour to an hour? Can they make themselves breakfast and get ready for the day while you are walking? Would they be willing to walk with you?

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I started with my sister last year in her neighborhood. But now that she works I use the treadmill or take my 8yo with me around the neighborhood(he is faster than I am!).

I started with the couch to 5k and would not have been able to work up to jogging without it. Colleen posted on another thread you can download the schedule on to your Ipod which would have been very helpful!

When I started I did it whenever I could fit it in. Now I try to do jog in the morning so I can shower and be ready for the rest of the day.

I think the hardest part is just starting.

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I have been walking indoors since my allergies have been acting up. I have a treadmill in my room and I usually walk while watching a DVD. It makes the time go by more quickly than just watching the clock tick away on the readout. If I really get into the movie I can get 45 minutes in before I jump in the shower.



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Do you do this on a treadmill or outside?


Outside, I have run on treadmills but loathe them, I get a much better work out outside

Do you do your work out in the morning or afternoon?

In the morning as soon as I get up or it won't get done:001_smile:

I have been wanting to start walking. I don't enjoy the treadmill.

I am afraid to walk alone..just me plenty of women do it in our subdivision.

What do you do with your kids while you are walking/running?

Mine actually blade with me, when they were younger I pushed a baby jogger (double)


How did you work yourselves up to jogging? I would love to jog, but never have been able to get my breathing right...so I am not gasping for breathe


Just get out there, don't think about it too much, don't do too much at once. This is the case of a little everyday is better than great quantities occasionally. As to the breathing, begin by walking - not strolling mind you, but brisk walking, then you'll work your way up in no time..


You're already on your way - exercise is 90% mental :001_smile:

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I go outside (don't own a treadmill), and I prefer to go first thing in the morning (I like to be out by 6, 6:30 at the latest).


If you want to go outside, then do it. Don't be afraid -- just be smart. Go when there are other people around; do not walk next to or near a heavily wooded area, etc.


I leave my kids alone when I go out, but my mother is still in the house, and they're older (17, 13, and 9).


To get started, go to Page 2 of this article. It's a wonderful, gradual walk-to-jog program.

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Do you do this on a treadmill or outside?

Do you do your work out in the morning or afternoon?

I have been wanting to start walking. I don't enjoy the treadmill.

I am afraid to walk alone..just me plenty of women do it in our subdivision.

What do you do with your kids while you are walking/running?


How did you work yourselves up to jogging? I would love to jog, but never have been able to get my breathing right...so I am not gasping for breath!


I jog on my treadmill at night after the kids have gone to bed. There's really no place to jog outside around here (narrow country roads). I started walking for 30 minutes and added jogging here and there until I could jog the whole time. In April, I did my first race - a 10k & that was fun. I don't particularly enjoy the treadmill, but I make it bearable by reading or strapping a portable dvd player to it and watching a movie. :)

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I walk outside first thing in the morning. That way, I get it out of the way. When my kids were younger, the only way I could exercise if I was done before dh left for work (which meant 5:30 am.) Now that I can leave them, I meet my exercise partner at 6:15 am.


We nordic walk 2 days a week (with poles for increased intensity) and we go to the Y 2 days a week for a warm up on the elliptical and then lift weights. When the weather is really bad, we do the elliptical at the Y. On days I don't meet my partner, I do walk in my neighborhood. I feel pretty safe. However, I do carry my cell phone and some ID in case I were to get hurt (I know someone who was injured by a hit and run and she didn't have any ID on her. )


Can you find someone in your neighborhood who is willing to walk with you? I find that having a partner is essential for keeping up a routine. You don't want to disappoint your partner when she got out of bed early:).

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I dont' have a very good place to run. I walk/run on my street which is only 6/10ths of a mile long. So I run up and down it in front of my house. My ds is 8 so I can leave him sleeping in the mornings to run. I do it early or I won't do it at all...5:30. Dh has been going with me lately.


When ds starts swim next month, I will walk/run at the track in the park where he swims.

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My dh leaves for work at about 5:15, and my dc are too young to be left alone, so I run on the treadmill. I used to find it terribly boring, but now I have an iPod and listen to podcasts, so I actually look forward to my time. I prefer to do it early in the morning before the dc wake up.


There are a couple of parks with nice trails that I run on on weekends. I don't like to run in the street, because I don't like to worry about cars. Besides that, my neighborhood is really hilly. :P


I used the Couch to 5K plan on http://www.coolrunning.com to get started.

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While it doesn't bother me to walk alone, I find the accountability factor kicks in with a walking buddy. I walked most mornings for almost a year with a fellow homeschooling Mom--the moveable teacher's lounge. It was great! Unfortunately her kids are now in school and she is working. But another friend is stepping in to be my walking buddy.


It gets hot here so I prefer walking in the mornings. My husband and teenage son walk after dinner most evenings. Bike riding and swimming are other easy exercise options.


I saw your other thread in which you mention going out with your kids on their bikes. Good for you and them! Keep it up!



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Late spring, summer, and early fall I like to walk in the mornings. In the colder months I either ride my stationary bike in the mornings or walk in the afternoon...which sometimes means I skip. (bad girl) I hate being cold, so I'm trying to toughen up this year.


When dh is home, he walks with me and we walk in areas I don't feel comfy walking alone. When he is flying, I walk around our neighborhood or the park in the neighborhood next door.


My sons are older, but I still try to guilt them into going with me. :D Actually, I prefer the peace and quiet of a solitary walk.

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once all summer. We have a treadmill but rarely use it. It's much better to walk outside. We have a private driveway, so that's where we walk. It has a good slope, so we do about 10 laps up the incline and back so that we get a good workout. It's very therapeutic! Our dc are teens, so we just leave them in bed. ;)

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I walk outside...only on the treadmill when I absolutely have to. I walk in the mornings and in the evenings...it depends on the days schedule. I usually walk by myself...with my ipod. But you could always bring a friend or a dog. I have to admit at first it was drudgery, now I am completely addicted. If I don't walk I feel grumpy, don't sleep well, and my appetite is weird. So get past the first two weeks and then you will be like a caged animal to get out there! Good luck.:)

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I have to admit at first it was drudgery, now I am completely addicted. If I don't walk I feel grumpy, don't sleep well, and my appetite is weird. So get past the first two weeks and then you will be like a caged animal to get out there! Good luck.:)


I will second this! I LOVE it now.

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