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Ask a gal whose DH puts the seat down!


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Or just brag about something your own family-member-of-choice does that you really appreciate!


I once thanked MIL personally for teaching her sons so well, my DH actually puts the toilet seat and lid down as a matter of habit.  She burst my bubble, though, by insisting it wasn't her, but the dog who was responsible for that teaching.  DH disliked scrubbing toilets and would use toilet tabs to keep the bowl clean when he was a teen.  Because MIL had a brainless dog who would drink toilet water no matter what was in it, he routinely put the seat and lid down to keep the dog out of it.


In our house full of all girls (other than DH) I really appreciate it anyway!



What nice things have you caught your loved ones doing lately?

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A few days ago I went to dance class. The kids had an audio book to listen to and a nieghbour outside doing yard work if they needed anything. 


They brought all the dirty laundry downstairs. Collected dirty dishes from around the house, and made all the beds in the house.

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My DH routinely does the dishes when he's home. I like that a whole lot. No idea who taught him that, other than he lived on his own for a good while before he married me, and had to do his own.

My boys clean their own bathroom. I taught them that one. :D

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Fun thread!


Hubby has always put the seat down, and he is fantastic about helping around the house!

He keeps the van filled with gas, and every day when he gets home he immediately takes the kid outside so I can have a bit of quiet time. I think I will keep him, lol.


BUT today he did the sweetest thing, at least for me. He is the noise police for me...you know all those incessant, annoying little noises and rattles, that sort of thing? Drive me absolutely bonkers. I KNOW it is ridiculous, but they drive me to distraction and I get really horrible headaches too. Last night he replaced the air con filter and it must have not been in perfectly.

ALL morning there was this incessant, high-pitched whine. Absolutely dreadful. When I couldn't handle it a minute more, I packed lunch and decided we would spend the afternoon at the museum. (I am in a wheelchair and can't get to the AC unit or I might have fixed the thing myself-with a baseball bat!) I phoned hubby just to let him know we were going out and dinner would probably be leftovers or pizza.

10 minutes later he walked up, having left work at the Uni, on the day he is giving a final this afternoon, just to come and fix it:ðŸ˜

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My dd8 put a new diaper on dd2 the other day without being asked.  She is such a sweet girl! 


Dh does all the laundry AND he puts the seat down.  He cooks and bakes, he cleans, he even sews, he can fix anything (all of this on the weekends, of course).  He really is a domestic god.  He's taught me everything I know as a housewife.  (He has a great mom!)

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 She burst my bubble, though, by insisting it wasn't her, but the dog who was responsible for that teaching.  DH disliked scrubbing toilets and would use toilet tabs to keep the bowl clean when he was a teen.  Because MIL had a brainless dog who would drink toilet water no matter what was in it, he routinely put the seat and lid down to keep the dog out of it


Heh. We always had to keep careful watch on our toilet lid because we had a cat who loved wading. He would routinely stick his front paws in the toilet and occasionally jump in with all four and just stand there. We also lived in an apartment building with freakishly powerful water pressure, so we were nervous that the other cat might catch on to this and flush the poor kitty away.


I wonder how many household habits are formed by pets who aren't exactly Rhodes Scholars.

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We don't have a dog, but it's still not rocket science: when my little boys are in the early stages of potty training, I teach them to put the seat down first and THEN pull up their pants. Once they get to the stage where they wouldn't walk out of the bathroom with their drawers around their ankles, they're pretty reliable.


I was actually pretty offended when my (sonless) mother laughed at me and told me that it was impossible. My boys are sweet, intelligent, compassionate human beings, not the punchline of a bad joke. I have lots of brags about them.

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