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I've made today's top posters!!!


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At the moment - as I type - I've made it!!!  I'm on Today's Top Posters (happened to notice the title a little bit ago - some others are fun to look at too):




It's kind of amazing what one can do when they have about 2 1/2 hours of "not much to do" while at school.  


I might not be able to keep my status though.  I actually have to start working in about 5 minutes - what's with that??? ;)



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I didn't know that was a thing. I just today ran out of likes for the first time - I think I'll leave the title of top poster for another day. ;)



(I might be in the running for most emoticons though. :tongue_smilie: I do love emoticons! :thumbup1: )

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Um, wow. Some people have a lot more to say today than I do apparently. I didn't know about this feature either.


Other neat features I discovered are Overall Top Posters (I'm on page 3):




It's interesting to compare # of likes to # of posts.


And Most Liked Content:




It was interesting to read these.


Meanwhile, I'm back with another class I have to essentially do nothing with.  They are working on creating calendars on computers - so get to look at pics - which is interesting to them - and therefore - little to no actual "need" for me to do more than watch their computer screens. I can do that from here.

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Other neat features I discovered are Overall Top Posters (I'm on page 3):




It's interesting to compare # of likes to # of posts.


And Most Liked Content:




It was interesting to read these.


Meanwhile, I'm back with another class I have to essentially do nothing with.  They are working on creating calendars on computers - so get to look at pics - which is interesting to them - and therefore - little to no actual "need" for me to do more than watch their computer screens. I can do that from here.


Neat. I'm on page 9.



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Cool! I didn't even know about the lists, but I made it on to two of them.


I'm not sure if it's impressive, or if it just means I spend way too much time on this forum. (I suspect it's the latter...) :blush:

Exactly my reaction.  I'm kind of thinking I might be embarrassed that I made the list for today.  Just yesterday on another forum I bragged about how little time I've been spending online posting lately.   :001_rolleyes: Guess I made up for it.  It's all about avoidance--that and the weather is depressing and I feel terrible today.  (Let me see what other excuses I can dig up.)

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You know what is really interesting?  Check out the list of top posters overall and look at some of the names you haven't seen in a while.  Makes me wonder what some of them are up to.


I had the same thought. Perhaps it goes in cycles, people are really active here for a while, then something in their life changes and they are gone for a while.

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Cool! I didn't even know about the lists, but I made it on to two of them.


I'm not sure if it's impressive, or if it just means I spend way too much time on this forum. (I suspect it's the latter...) :blush:


It definitely means I'm bored and not able to be out doing other things. 


While at school they frown upon my leaving the classroom with kids in it... but sometimes it's just not right to hover over their shoulders or get them involved in conversation and distract them from what they are supposed to be doing. 


When I'm home it means the weather isn't good enough to be doing things outside and I'm procrastinating against any inside jobs (laundry, etc).


I can't imagine I'd make it on the list on an active day at either place - but I will fully admit I like checking in here a couple of times per day to keep up.  ;)

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It can't reset at midnight.  I just checked it and there's no way I've made 20+ posts already this morning.  I wonder if it's just the last 24 hours...


Today I should be able to retain my spot as the kids will be continuing the same project for half their classes.  I'll actually be working for the other half discussing how paper is made and different types of substrate used in printing.  I do actually try to earn my keep at school most of the time.

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