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Mom brag and a summer program question


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We just found out yesterday that my 16 yo DD has been chosen for the NSLI-y program in China!  This covers all expenses for her to spend six weeks studying in China this summer, and she is beyond excited!!


She has been studying Mandarin for seven years: through a Chinese school, on her own, with a local tutor, and now through the John Hopkins CTY online AP course.  So this is certainly the culmination of many years of hard work, and an incredible opportunity for her.


However, she is also a finalist for the very prestigious Telluride summer program.  She's one of 140 finalists (from over 1200 applicants world-wide) for 64 slots.  She'll have her interview sometime in the next couple of weeks.  Now, this isn't a problem yet, but my question was whether the Hive has advice for which she should choose if she ends up getting into both programs?  I think she'd be a perfect fit for TASP, and she would absolutely thrive on the intellectual atmosphere there.  She also sees that as a once in a lifetime opportunity.  But she's never traveled internationally, and the China opportunity seems like such a perfect next step for her.  She is looking at very selective schools too, and I know TASP is very well regarded.


Any thoughts?




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She'll definitely be the one to make the decision, but she's really torn.   I think she's leaning towards TASP, because you can *only* do that the summer between your junior and senior years, while there may be future opportunities for China.  I'm a little worried that she may be making that decision based on the prestige issue, though, and I know that China would be such a different experience and build on so much that she's worked on. 


Has anyone done either?  Or know if top schools would view the NSLI-y experience highly as well?  That might help her just go straight with whatever she really prefers...


She can't defer TASP, but it is possible to re-apply for NSLI-y.  I kind of feel that they wouldn't give it to her a second time, though, if she turned it down this year.  Or would they understand the other opportunity?  Again, this is probably "borrowing trouble from tomorrow", but she's trying to think it through as she's preparing for her interview. 



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It's a fun problem to ponder. Don't worry too much about choosing, though, until she actually has a choice. Sometimes we worry about problems that don't come to pass!


Also, if she decides on TASP and then doesn't get in, the let-down could be painful.


Do tell her to enjoy the interview. I interviewed for TASP many man years ago and was one of the ones not selected. The interview was the most fun interview I've ever had, and it was great preparation for college interviews.



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The program that will be the most beneficial for college is the one that she is the most passionate about and will help her learn about herself and the world around her.  When applying for college, your dd will list this program on a form without much explanation.  Both programs are very impressive, and colleges will acknowledge that.  What will set your dd apart is what she gains from the experience and is able to convey through an essay.  Colleges want to enroll students who grow through experience, which is hopefully what the college itself will do for a student.


I forgot to add, "Congratulations !!"

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  • 1 month later...

For anyone that's interested, my daughter DID  eventually get accepted to TASP!  She agonized over the decision. We were so impressed with how well-run the NSLI-Y China program was, and China has been her dream for years (she's been studying Mandarin for seven years).  Ultimately, though, she chose TASP because it's such a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  She hopes to make it to China next summer or possibly for a gap year. 


She set high goals for herself and has worked so hard, so I'm beyond thrilled that these kinds of opportunities are coming through for her!



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For anyone that's interested, my daughter DID  eventually get accepted to TASP!  She agonized over the decision. We were so impressed with how well-run the NSLI-Y China program was, and China has been her dream for years (she's been studying Mandarin for seven years).  Ultimately, though, she chose TASP because it's such a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  She hopes to make it to China next summer or possibly for a gap year. 


She set high goals for herself and has worked so hard, so I'm beyond thrilled that these kinds of opportunities are coming through for her!


Would you mind coming back and sharing about her experience after she attends?  I think it would be interesting to hear about.

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Congrats to both of you! I would not have been able to be as unbiased as you about the decision - I would have been pushing hard for the opportunity that didn't involve going to China, lol! Simply on behalf of my motherly nerves  :laugh:

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