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Exercise Thread ~ 3/23 - 3/30


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For my b-day I bought merril minimalist shoes.  Walked 2 miles in them earlier in the a.m. and then just ran 2 miles of hills in them.  I am trying to retrain how I run because I'm a very very slow plodder.  My 19 yo won't run with me because I'm soooo slow but I've never cared because jogging has always been about the alone time and the scenery for me.  However now I need speed because in sparring my slow habits are hurting me.  They translate to slow kicking.  So for the 2 miles I ran (just a hair under sprinting) one block then walked a 1 1/2 blocks the whole 2 miles.  


I love the shoes, I could really feel how I was running and made constant corrections.  


Even with the walking I ended up with my normal embarrassingly slow time of 11.5 minutes per mile.  Sigh, it is going to take a long time to break my plodding habit.  



That was my pace today for my run, but for me, that's faster. :D  


Getting faster is hard.  I've heard hill repeats and sprints are the way to do it, but I think I'm working against my age. ;)  I don't know if I can shave much time off my pace.  I would like to do it.  If I ever could just have an 11:00 min pace as my "easy, slow" pace, I would feel successful. 

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For my b-day I bought merril minimalist shoes. Walked 2 miles in them earlier in the a.m. and then just ran 2 miles of hills in them. I am trying to retrain how I run because I'm a very very slow plodder. My 19 yo won't run with me because I'm soooo slow but I've never cared because jogging has always been about the alone time and the scenery for me. However now I need speed because in sparring my slow habits are hurting me. They translate to slow kicking. So for the 2 miles I ran (just a hair under sprinting) one block then walked a 1 1/2 blocks the whole 2 miles.

I love the shoes, I could really feel how I was running and made constant corrections.

Even with the walking I ended up with my normal embarrassingly slow time of 11.5 minutes per mile. Sigh, it is going to take a long time to break my plodding habit.

I run for the time alone too and am also not speedy. I can kick it up to a shade under a 10 min/mile if it's a race but that's as good as it gets. I mostly slog along between 11 and 11:30. Good for you for trying. I have every intention of remaining slow. I figure I'll still be fast enough to beat the other old folks to the buffet in 20 years, LOL
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It is so cold here that I am still finding it difficult to just find the gumption to change into workout clothes. This has been my 'worst' exercise winter ever.


:grouphug:  I hope the weather improves soon. 


Today I did weights and other moves from my workout folder - magazine and Pinterest clippings - love those. :D





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Rieshy, which ones did you get?  I love my Merrel minimalist shoes.   


 I got the Road Glove Dash 2.  


I have to admit that my calves and ankles are sore this morning in a way that reminds me of when I first started working out barefoot at Karate.  It's not entirely pleasant.  In retrospect I should probably not have run intervals in them my second time out.  I'm doing toe yoga this morning.


Thanks ladies for all the support about my running times.  I'm 47 but I workout with mostly teen boys and girls and then men in their 30's so I guess I have a skewed idea of my speed.  Not a lot of mom's my age are addicted to martial arts, so it's nice to know that my times are actually normal.


This morning is a gentle core workout/recovery.  Tonight martial arts.

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 I got the Road Glove Dash 2.  


I have to admit that my calves and ankles are sore this morning in a way that reminds me of when I first started working out barefoot at Karate.  It's not entirely pleasant.  In retrospect I should probably not have run intervals in them my second time out.  I'm doing toe yoga this morning.


Thanks ladies for all the support about my running times.  I'm 47 but I workout with mostly teen boys and girls and then men in their 30's so I guess I have a skewed idea of my speed.  Not a lot of mom's my age are addicted to martial arts, so it's nice to know that my times are actually normal.


This morning is a gentle core workout/recovery.  Tonight martial arts.

I understand.  I'm 51 and get a little depressed when my 20,18 and 15 yo leave me in the dirt.  I can still catch the 6 yo but for how long?

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You have to be mindful of foot strike when wearing minimalist shoes, I'm pretty sure you know that already though.    Bc of martial arts, this last several months I have been working very hard on fixing inappropriate foot turnout while standing/walking, and hip/ankle mobility.   


Today I'm going to try GTG to get cracking on pulling exercises which are my nemesis.

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I understand. I'm 51 and get a little depressed when my 20,18 and 15 yo leave me in the dirt. I can still catch the 6 yo but for how long?

My 7 year old is already leaving me in the dust. At the last race we did, I had to send him on ahead with another mom and her 7 year old daughter and I met them at the finish line. Grateful to the mom but embarrassing at the same time.

Not a strenuous workout this morning. Did a couple minutes of stress relief yoga, but after 4 minutes of just breathing, switched to intermediate/expert yoga. That lasted until the kids started fighting and the instructor started doing head stands. Yelled at the kids and switched to yoga for runners. All told, about 35 to 40 minutes, but it was a learning experience.

Tomorrow will be week 2, day 3 of couch to 5k.

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Ok, Bada$$ workout today. Nothing the last 2 days. I've had a totally crappy week. I've had pms and now my period and have just not felt up to much (not helped by the fact that the baby has nursed like crazy the last few nights). I got in my kettlebell yesterday but haven't felt up to doing it yet, hopefully tomorrow night. The weather hasn't been very inviting this week either between the wind, rain and cooler temps. Anyway, tomorrow is another day and I'm hoping I'm on the upswing now.

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Ok, Bada$$ workout today. Nothing the last 2 days. I've had a totally crappy week. I've had pms and now my period and have just not felt up to much (not helped by the fact that the baby has nursed like crazy the last few nights). I got in my kettlebell yesterday but haven't felt up to doing it yet, hopefully tomorrow night. The weather hasn't been very inviting this week either between the wind, rain and cooler temps. Anyway, tomorrow is another day and I'm hoping I'm on the upswing now.

Just clarifying my like is for the badass workout and the upswing, not the PMS and crappy week. Lest there be any doubt, lol.
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Ok, last night someone wasn't being careful during warmup and kicked me super hard in the calf.   This was not during paired work where I could have moved out of the way but during "stay in your own bubble and practice this move" work.  


My leg is really hurting this morning and guess what?  GTG on the pulling exercises from yesterday now have my shoulder girdle aching.    


Today is leg workout day and sprints.   After that I'm going to crawl into my hidey-hole and suck my thumb.   LOL      

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Ok, last night someone wasn't being careful during warmup and kicked me super hard in the calf.   This was not during paired work where I could have moved out of the way but during "stay in your own bubble and practice this move" work.  


My leg is really hurting this morning and guess what?  GTG on the pulling exercises from yesterday now have my shoulder girdle aching.    


Today is leg workout day and sprints.   After that I'm going to crawl into my hidey-hole and suck my thumb.   LOL      


A couple of sparring sessions ago I kicked at the same time as my opponent and took a blow from his bony knee into my shin.  Terrible bruise- I rubbed it with olive oil mixed with a bit of geranium oil a couple of times a day.  The bruise cleared up faster than usual.  I don't think it was actually the oils but the deep massage.  Now I massage all my bruises and/or impact points.


Today- rest day.  Hallelujah!   I plan to work very hard at resting.

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DH talked me into skipping crossfit this morning to sleep in due to it raining. I enjoyed the lazy morning but really restless now and it's still rainy so can't move too much. I put my restlessness into cooking and laundry but I'm really regretting it. I think I'm going to hit up a class tomorrow. It isn't my typical day nor time but I feel so guilty and restless skipping lol.

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Ok, last night someone wasn't being careful during warmup and kicked me super hard in the calf. This was not during paired work where I could have moved out of the way but during "stay in your own bubble and practice this move" work.

My leg is really hurting this morning and guess what? GTG on the pulling exercises from yesterday now have my shoulder girdle aching.

Today is leg workout day and sprints. After that I'm going to crawl into my hidey-hole and suck my thumb. LOL

Ouch. Sounds painful!
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Did week 2, day 3 of couch to 5k this morning with a couple extra intervals. 3 miles over 45 minutes. Offset any goodness by eating a Dairy Queen sundae for dessert tonight.

Exercise is starting to become a habit now 2 weeks in. Now what do I do about my bad eating habits? Don't get me wrong. It's better than it was 2 weeks ago, but there is a lot of room for improvement.


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Bada$$ workout last night.


I was lucky to get that done as I unexpectedly had to take a friend's kids for the day. Anyway, I'm now not sure what my plans are for the weekend. This week is shaping out not quite what I expected. Should be able to at least get a Bada$$ workout in at least.

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Exercise is starting to become a habit now 2 weeks in. Now what do I do about my bad eating habits? Don't get me wrong. It's better than it was 2 weeks ago, but there is a lot of room for improvement.


Baby steps. If you feel yourself deprived you will binge. So start with small changes. I don't know what your diet is right now.


Jillian Michaels talks about that in her latest book. If you want pizza allow yourself a few bites or so and chew really slowly enjoying it. The goal is to not eat an entire slice. That's just an example. So with a sundae from DQ the goal is to not eat the whole thing.




This morning I felt much better than yesterday. I purchased round 2 of FB's workout schedule. Today was a HIIT warmup followed by ab/cardio and a cool down. Great workout and some fun moves.

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4 mile run this morning while watching the final episode of Psych. I was good and didn't cry. :( I followed it up with 45 minutes of a Kundalini yoga practice. Tomorrow I go watch dh run his marathon. I hope the wind isn't too bad!

Not sure where you live ;) but wind was insane today during my run. Makes it not much fun. My ears weren't covered either. Hope weather is nice for the marathon tomorrow!
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