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Does anyone feel like they've beaten candida without doing the whole diet?


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I've been doing some reading on candida overgrowth, and I wouldn't be surprised if I had an issue with it. I know some people here have done the very restrictive diet successfully, but I'm wondering if anyone has beat it without going to such an extreme. I think I could manage most of the diet, except that I don't know if I could give up cheese. I already have to avoid grains, chocolate, caffeine in all forms, citrus (I miss grapefruit!  :crying:), and most sugars/starches. I'm just not sure if life is worth living without cheese! 


Are there other ways to be successful? Supplements? Meds? Herbals? Something? 

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My dh is battling candida along with a host of other things.  He gave up dairy.  In the beginning it was more challenging.  There is one brand of vegan cheese that he likes (it even melts).  Cashews will be your friend.  You can make gravies and sour cream with them.  Nutritional yeast (awful name but so good for you) gives a cheese like taste to many things. He also takes an anti-fungal prescription pill.

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Yes. Candex. My naturopath does not believe in the diet for the simple reasons that it is difficult to maintain and can lead to deficiencies. She also believes it comes from stress and since we can't eliminate stress, fighting it with the enzymes or whatever is in that stuff is the better option. It worked for me. As well as adding good healthy fermented foods for maintaince. No one can stay on that diet forever(nor should they!!) and yeast/candida can reoccur easily so keeping your system balenced in other ways is more effective. JMHO

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I take one acidophilus tablet on an empty stomach in the morning. That appears to help.

There are some helpful threads on these forums, which list Candex and its alternatives. Those help, too, but I am not sure how long you can keep taking them.

So, just taking a probiotic without diet restrictions help?? That is great to know. Thank you :)

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So, just taking a probiotic without diet restrictions help?? That is great to know. Thank you :)

Well, it helped with my problem. "On an empty stomach" was the key. It did not help when I took it after a meal.

I haven't made any dietary changes at all.

Also, from what I read, for my specific problem, the culture "lactobacillus rhamnosus" was necessary.

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I've been doing some reading on candida overgrowth, and I wouldn't be surprised if I had an issue with it. I know some people here have done the very restrictive diet successfully, but I'm wondering if anyone has beat it without going to such an extreme. I think I could manage most of the diet, except that I don't know if I could give up cheese. I already have to avoid grains, chocolate, caffeine in all forms, citrus (I miss grapefruit!  :crying:), and most sugars/starches. I'm just not sure if life is worth living without cheese! 


Are there other ways to be successful? Supplements? Meds? Herbals? Something? 

Just to be a little radical here, giving up citrus and grains might be why you have candida.  Fruit cleans out the gut and grains can be healing and good for you.  When I was very sick, the people I knew avoiding a ton of stuff got sicker.  I got well by eating MORE types of foods, not less.  Went organic, food combined, LOTS of fruit and veges, no beef/pork, no cheese.  


The cheese just needs to go, sorry.  The fact that you feel like you can't give it up might mean you're reacting to it.  So just go cold turkey, give it up, and add back in something like that citrus or grains.  No wheat, but other grains (organic) like kamut, millet, etc.  When I was sick and reacting to oranges, I thought it meant I was allergic to oranges but what was really happening was the oranges were trying to clean out my gut.


Well whatever, you asked for different and it's different.  Usually they tell you to go low carb for candida, and the nutritionist I used had me do the total opposite, using the foods to clear out the gut. :)

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I've struggled with candida issues in the past.  Yes, I've done a strict diet and such and that has worked but what has worked best for me is to take a good probiotic, on an empty stomach, usually 1/2 hour before meals as well as oil of oregano on a daily basis.  It's anti-viral/bacterial/fungal and worked wonders for me when I thought I would lose my mind with such a restricted diet.  Truly, learning about it really saved me from a lot of anguish and I was able to get on top of the candida by using it.  Adding coconut oil to your diet can also help as it has anti-candida properties.  That's what has worked for me.

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