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Cat spray smell....


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My DD will be repainting and redoing the flooring in her room. She was going to move temporarily into a little room we rarely use but somehow one of our outdoor/indoor cats must have gotten in and sprayed the room.  We have mopped several times (flooring is tile) and DS10 even went through and hand scrubbed then mopped again.  I have washed the curtains, there is no furniture anymore, we pulled everything out.  And yet the odor is still there.  I suspect it may be in the paint on the walls.  What could I safely use to clean the walls without stripping the paint?  Or is this a lost cause and we will need to repaint the spare room?  Or do I tell DH we are moving :)....

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use Nature's Miracle, use a lot,  Don't wash the nature's miracle off, just let it evaporate.  It won't harm your paint.  In our old house, we had a room with a dark coral color paint.  At one time, I was using the Nature's Miracle almost daily (from my spraying cat) and the paint stayed just fine. 

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Thanks everyone.  I think DH has a black light in his workroom.  Is Nature's Miracle an enzyme cleaner?  I will definitely look into those.  Really appreciate the help.  DD is really disappointed that she cannot start moving her stuff into the other room yet, so the sooner we can address this the happier we will all be.

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Thanks everyone.  I think DH has a black light in his workroom.  Is Nature's Miracle an enzyme cleaner?  I will definitely look into those.  Really appreciate the help.  DD is really disappointed that she cannot start moving her stuff into the other room yet, so the sooner we can address this the happier we will all be.



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After you do a good course of Nature's Miracle, I would paint all surfaces including subfloor or whatever flooring is there with original oil based Kilz primer. That stuff will seal the remaining stink in. Then finish paint with whatever you want. If that doesn't work, then the only option is to rip out the wall board and subfloor. If you are handy, that isn't too huge a job. If you aren't good with wallboard, you could rip out and replace just the bottom four feet and any non-concrete subfloor, then hang new wall board, which is easy, but instead of finishing it, which is tricky you can cover the unfinished wallboard with bead board panels, add a chair rail at the top of the bead board, paint it all, and it'll look nice and be clean.

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this came up with my dd's real estate agent.  there are enzyme cleaners to remove the spray, she said the biggest reason for failure is people didn't leave them to work long enough.


just paint wont' cover cat smell.

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Ugh!   I can't get Nature's Miracle until tomorrow.  It wasn't at any of the stores I had to go to today.  By the time I had returned home, unloaded everything and then checked on line to find a place to get it the store I could buy it from had closed.  Oh, well.  Guess we will make a run tomorrow.  Thanks so much for everyone's help!   I really appreciate all the responses on such short notice!  :)

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