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What games do your 7-8 yos like?

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We've been playing games that say 6 on the box, for instance Catan Jr, but we're ready for something a little more.  He keeps trying to play Star Trek Catan, but that's a little *too* much and gives him meltdowns after a while.  (box says age 10)  So what are your favs in-between there?  



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Sleeping Queens

Zeus on the Loose





*Ticket to Ride




The * are ones that are particular favorites of my son who just turned 9; he is very mathematically-oriented.

Ooo, these are great suggestions!  That's exactly what I was looking for!  Anyone else?  :)

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Mine like UNO from about age 4 on up. Dominoes is another favorite at our house.


But my dd#3 would rather 'imaginate' or play a run-around game than play a sit-down (board) game. 


On the other hand, ds#1 likes to play 10 Days in the USA & Battleship with dd#1 or dd#2 plus math & phonics games (with cards) with me.

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We just got, and enjoyed, Forbidden Island, which is collaborative if you want a change of pace.

Ooo, I got that for myself for Christmas!  :)  He has played it once with me, and then he's played the app with me.  We've also done the Ticket to Ride app together.  I think the full board game of TtR would take too long for him, but the app versions work.  Hold it, the app I have is Forbidden Island and the physical game is Forbidden Desert.  Yup, that's what it is.  You assemble a vehicle to escape, and the fact that it's sorta lego-ish is distracting, hehe. (flying the vehicle around, etc.) Maybe we can get the physical Forbidden Island at some point.  Then we'd have less pieces.  I definitely like the Forbidden games.  It's a shame none of the rest of the family does, but at least ds seems to be growing into them.  :D


Mine like UNO from about age 4 on up. Dominoes is another favorite at our house.


But my dd#3 would rather 'imaginate' or play a run-around game than play a sit-down (board) game. 


On the other hand, ds#1 likes to play 10 Days in the USA & Battleship with dd#1 or dd#2 plus math & phonics games (with cards) with me.

Ooo yes, we love uno too!  And dominoes my father got him for Christmas.  He LOVES them.  He also plays phonics dominoes with me.  I was thinking about trying the 10 Days games with him, so now I definitely will!  I'm looking all over the house for my Battleship game from growing up.  It must be SOMEWHERE, and I think y'all are right he'd be ready for it.


Mine are addicted mainly to Minecraft. I know that isn't board games.


They also love scrabble jr

pick-up sticks

scrabble slam

phase 10

banana grams

Haha, that's hilarious!  I don't even know what mine craft is.  I've heard of it, but that's all.  He's nutso for Angry Birds though (the app).  :D  I'll look up those others.  We have jumbo and regular bananagrams, but we use them for lessons. 


Well good ideas!  We had fun this afternoon playing games. (Trouble, I Spy Eagle Eye, Boggle Jr.).  I found Stratego in the closet.  Apparently I had gotten it at goodwill.  I'm going to wait on it a little bit because I think it may blow my brain with the rules.  We played No Stress Chess and he had fun with that and took right to it.  With dd I had Fritz & Chesster on the computer, but ds has never done that. So yes, when he's very engaged, he'll sit there and play 4-5 games straight.  


Well good, this gave me some new ideas!  :)  

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We've been enjoying Blokus, Ticket to Ride, Clue and Scrabble recently. He loves Monopoly when he can convince me to play - I don't have the ambition for a long game of monopoly most of the time. Oh and Carcassone. We play the kids version at the library and I modify the regular version a bit for home play. Oh and I just found an older Perfection game on ebay that I'm making part of his birthday present this year.

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