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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!


clean up kitchen

Go pick up dd from boyfriends so she can shower and change for friend's babyshower.

Go to Walmart on way to baby shower for card and to pick up Catching Fire.

Drop kids off at babyshower.

Pick kids up 4 hours later and run eldest back to her boyfriend's house.  ( he is still recooperating from cardiac ablation)

Don't forget to turn clocks forward tonight!

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Today we have family coming to dinner----the college kids, The Girlfriend, my sister's family (5), and the sister who lives in Colorado plus her friend (dsis is in this area for two weeks to teach some classes and for a poetry competition).


Dh cleaned the wood floors when he got up :)


I need to

--make a double batch of baguettes (I only have the one triple pan so I have to plan when to start the second batch)

--assemble two meat lasagnas (made the sauce last night; one will go in the freezer)

--make a veggie lasagna (no tomatoes)

--decide on a dessert...

--oops, de-Science-Olympiad the dining room table :lol:


I would like to

--do some gentle Pilates

--pick up library holds (could be done tomorrow)


Dd has ballet from 11-4:30 today. Before she leaves she gets to do some basic cleaning.


I am looking forward to later today :) We don't see our youngest sister that much--maybe twice a year--since she moved after my parents died.

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Good Morning....


I concentrated on lots of things around the house yesterday to make my weekend less housework oriented.  



  • washing sheets and remaking bed
  • going for my long walk today 5 miles
  • washing all 3 of the vehicles and vacuuming them out. 
  • give the first floor a quick vacuum 
  • recon the yard and refill bird feeders



Have a great Saturday everyone!

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It has been a crazy busy few days, so I have not had a chance to post to a tackle thread in a few.  Today is just as busy with my 4th long work day in a row(I am used to only doing 8 hour shifts on the weekends but due to early dismissal, non school days and office hours at my other job I put in 8 hour days there wed-fri too).




work 9-5 at the A&W


kids-remind homework for online classes

(chores are being broken into 15 minutes per room only because I will be beat tonight)

15minutes office

15 minutes kitchen

15 minutes livingroom

15 minutes bathroom

15 minutes master bedroom

30 minutes coursera work


lets hope I can make it until bedtime tonight in one peice because I have to do it all again tomorrow.

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Morning Girls,

DH is home. He got home around 9:00 last night, but will be off to Vegas next week again. His company headquarters is there now. Fortunately, it's only a 1 1/2 hour flight from Fresno and in our same time zone, so it's not really a big deal.



** bake DS's birthday cake

** make homemade icecream

** try to figure out what to make for birthday dinner tonight (grandparents are coming over)

**dd has kingdom Kids practice

** clean house

** whatever else needs to be done


It's a beautiful day out this morning! I wish I could work outside, but I don't think that's going to happen!

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Good Morning....


I concentrated on lots of things around the house yesterday to make my weekend less housework oriented.  



  • washing sheets and remaking bed--DONE
  • going for my long walk today 5 miles--DONE
  • washing all 3 of the vehicles and vacuuming them out. --
  • give the first floor a quick vacuum --DONE
  • recon the yard and refill bird feeders--DONE



Have a great Saturday everyone!

Vehicles are next on the list.

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I apologize in advance for inserting a rant, but here goes:


If you had put away your screwdriver the other day when you used it, then you would not now be running around asking me where it is.  I have no idea where it is and am not going to put myself into a lather to find it.


If you had put the manual for the pressure washer with the pressure washer last time it was used (or gotten it back from whatever family member I suspect had borrowed it last time) then you would not be getting me out of the shower dripping wet to ask me where it is.  And no, I'm not going to streak around the house naked to look for it.  (I did look for it after I was dressed, but I have no idea where it is.)


I am sick.  Everyone knows that I'm sick.  I am sick enough that I am spending thousands of dollars on medical bills and am now pumping my sixth antibiotic into my poor tired body.  I need to rest.  I cannot move the ILs.  I cannot move the ILs.  I cannot move the ILs.  


I have now bribed my dd11 with a promise of lunch at McDonalds for the privilege of not driving the hour plus round trip to drop her off at the ILs.  She can't help out that much anyway - not with the big stuff that they really need help with.  And. . . .  I am sick!  

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Jean-- :grouphug: , rant all you want!



Already today:

slept in


watched Game of Thrones with dh & put disk in mail

cleaned up living room

laundry going

dh and dd went for a short hike at a nearby state park

attempted to make secret agent brownies but they are too dark chocolate and a little bitter

attempted to make whipped coconut cream, it tastes good but isn't fluffy


still to do:

tidy up more of the house

figure out if I'm going to take the dessert anyway or make something else (home group with church tonight)

figure out what I can eat for dinner before I go (they're having a baked potato bar)

go to the home group meeting



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It is noon:


The "boys" were out the door by 9:30 am.

I managed to get breakfast and get showered and dressed and get dd to her volunteering by 10 am.

Both kids fed and took care of their animals before heading out.

Then I sort of "collapsed" at home out of exhaustion.  It has taken me an hour, one blanket at a time, but my bed is now made!


Now I'm going to work on the kitchen in short 2 to 5 minute bursts.  

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I did way more housework today than I care to do on a Saturday!  My house was clean when I went to bed last night but throughout the day it was looking like a pig sty.  I'm happy to say it is good shape again :)  Sweeping, vacuuming, dishes, laundry--all done AGAIN!

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