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Looking for computer programming online course for ds8 and ds11


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They've both done scratch a bit, but they need something more structured to really progress. They both love Minecraft, so I am tempted to do something related to that, but they've also taught themselves a HUGE amount on their own,and I like them to own that. 


Can anyone recommend online programming courses for this age?

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Here's another: http://www.codecademy.com/


This one looks great, and it's free. I am going to try it out myself this weekend. Has anyone used this and can post a review?

I was planning to recommend it when I saw the thread. Both dc's have used it and love it. Good starting point and the group thrre is nice and helpful.

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My son (age 8) is doing the Minecraft Mod course through Youth Digital. It was on the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op at a discount a few weeks ago.  Overall I like it. The lessons are interesting and easy to follow. It is definitely kid friendly.  Unfortunately my 8 year old is struggling at times to follow all the instructions properly.  I think he is so excited to get done he is skipping steps or making simple mistakes (all caps when it is supposed to be mixed, etc.). So to save myself from frustration I am probably going to have to sit with him through the lessons. 

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We've had the same experience as Cinntinative with the Minecraft programming. My ds is 10 and has had challenges with the programming. I too think I'll have to sit along side him to make sure the steps are done correctly. They do have excellent support if the kids need help or make errors.

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DS11 is doing Youth Digital's Minecraft Mod class, which introduces Java. [ETA: I do hear you saying that maybe you want something unrelated to Minecraft, but this takes the kid into programming in a way they can't do just playing the game. They make their own mod, load it, then play that mod. In the process, he is learning a real coding language and (painlessly) experiencing troubleshooting, reworking, tweaking, etc.] DS absolutely loves it. The only prior experience he had was with LEGO Mindstorms, which is pretty dissimilar. I do not have to help at all. It is totally his thing, which I told him it would have to be from the start because my plate is full. I know it is educational but he thinks of it as fun, a hobby. The video instruction is wonderful. The guy who does it is beyond engaging, so dynamic! It goes on sale 40% off at HSBC (for the month of Dec and then again for a week in Feb). I am so happy with the purchase that I am sure we will be doing the rest of what they offer.


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