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Polio-like illness in California


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It sounds like the children had all received their polio vaccines and did not have polio.  But doctors believe it is an enterovirus that is in the same family as polio, and some of the children have tested positive for this enterovirus that has also been found in Asia and Australia. 




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I've been reading reports on this. This is one of several viruses that can attack the nervous system. Scientists are trying to determine why some people who contract this virus have mild symptoms and others end up with paralysis. They also haven't determined a pattern to an outbreak.


Very concerning.

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Yes, they've linked a few cases to enterovirus, but they think something more is going on with them and it could be coincidence.  I did read an article that says they are urging people to get the polio vaccine to prevent this, though they specifically say it will not prevent it.  That confuses me.  Maybe more research into what's causing this before starting a panic?

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This is an interesting article about winter vs. summer colds.  Apparently winter colds are typically caused by a rhinovirus and summer colds can be caused by these non-polio enteroviruses.  



Yes, polio was a summer virus, back in the day.  Whenever a child came down with a sore throat or similar symptoms, parents would worry.  There was a time when all swimming pools closed because they thought that they might be a transmission route for polio.  It's why my father, growing up in Washington D.C. in the 30s and 40s, never learned how to swim.


Several enteroviruses can have polio like symptoms (specifically 68 and 71), and this may be one of those or a new one that will have the exact same effects as polio.  And if it's anything like polio...it can spread like wildfire.  Very contagious through the air, and on surfaces.  And very arbitrary in its effects.  Some kids escaped unharmed.  Others suffered lifelong paralysis.


However, the problem with polio, is that once you contract it...you have it forever.  It will come back to bite you again in your 50s and beyond with post-polio syndrome. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/post_polio/detail_post_polio.htm


If this is another enterovirus that attacks like polio...and it sounds like it is, I hope the medical community jumps on it quickly and stops it in its tracks.  No mother wants to live with the fear that mothers 60 years ago had to live with.  Seeing your kid in an iron lung for months is horrible.  And having to worry about permanent paralysis every time your child complains their throat hurts is chilling.  And there is nothing you can do to stop it...we can only treat symptoms.  The disease will do whatever it wants to do. We just have no idea today of what these illnesses were really like.  No idea.  Sobering.

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My mother was just telling us about her childhood, and being sent to FL to escape a polio outbreak in her town.  She and her siblings were quarantined in an aunt's house, and could not leave the house or yard.  I never knew they were quarantined!  I knew they often went to FL for summers, but thought it was just a fun trip.  Apparently, it was more than that, on at least one occasion.

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