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What time does school start at your house?

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How old are your kids? 5 & 1
When do you get up? 8:00
When do the kids get up? 8:00
When does school start? 12:30

Any tips on starting school on time?

We just had to find the time that worked out best with our schedule. When I tried to start sometime in the morning it never went well. We would sometimes get going okay and sometimes it would be dinner and we hadn't done anything. DH works swing and the little one is into everything. So for us the best time is immediately after lunch. So start time varies by a bit, but we start as soon as we are done eating. DH takes little one to play and then go down for a nap then he gets ready for work. So the only tip I have is to look at your schedule and find a time that really works well for your family, rather than forcing a "normal" school time.

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How old are your kids? 10 (11 next month), 12
When do you get up? 6-6:30 am
When do the kids get up? Ummm. Around 9 on MWF, and 7 on T, Th (they go to my mom's those days, so I drop them off on the way to work)
When does school start? About 1:30-2 pm.

Any tips on starting school on time? I don't really stress on the starting time.

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How old are your kids?

When do you get up?

When do the kids get up?

When does school start?


Any tips on starting school on time?


My children are 13, 10, and 5.

I get up around 7:00 (I exercise and have quiet time.)

My 10yo gets up at 7:45 and showers, so I still have time to myself until he's done around 8:05.

My 13yo gets up at 8:15 (she showers at night.)

We are usually sitting at the table at 8:30 with our breakfast, ready to start.

If a kid is not at the table at 8:30, then that kid is docked $1.00 of allowance. It works very well. :)

**As for my 5yo, she gets up around 8:00 on most days. She has significant special needs & is more like a 2yo developmentally, so none of this applies to her.

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When mine were little, we really didn't need to start school "on time" and there were so many interruptions and variables to the day.


A tip to get them to school when it is time:  a timer.  My phone alarm rings at our school time.  It is our school bell.  If I want to start school later I change the time the alarm rings.

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I'm currently homeschooling 5 of them. 14 dd, 11 ds, 10 ds, 8 ds, 8 dd.

We get up between 10 and 11.

School gets started around noonish. Mondays we have outside activities so they don't do as much and what gets done gets done at another persons activity.


We are not morning people.



ETA: I just tell them to get started and they do. This is one of the few areas they don't struggle with.

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Guest travisr81

My kids are 5, 2, and 6 months.
I get up at 4:30 and go to work. My wife gets up about 7:00
My kids get up around 7:30
School starts at 9:00
Tips on starting school on time?
Get things ready the night before. Get breakfast going soon after you wake up.




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ETA that the coffee is started in the morning by Dad, and we spend from 7-8 am every morning reading out literature and drinking coffee. Even the 8 yo puts in 20 minutes and a cup of coffee most mornings. Then we break for breakfast around 10 am, but by then, we've done lit, copy work, penmanship (we just started a great French penmanship), maths, grammar/writing, and 14 yo gets either history/logic/latin in there by then, also. 

I'd love to know more about this penmanship program.  (It would go perfectly with the J Herbin Violette Pensee ink I'm currently using!)


And to answer the OP:

How old are your kids? 13, 2

When do you get up? 7-ish

When do the kids get up? When they wake up, which is usually between 7 and 8:30.  It really depends on what other activities we have going on and how tired they are. 

When does school start? That depends on what time we all get moving. Usually we get started after breakfast.  Sometimes my son will start on some independent work before we eat. 


Any tips on starting school on time? I guess we do better on a routine than a schedule.  Around here, schedules are easily derailed.  Routines tend to provide a bit of flexibility along with the structure we need to get things done.

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DS is 6 and a night owl like his mom. So we wake up around 9-10. As soon as we get a leisurely breakfast we start school so we get it done before anything else. I am terrible with keeping a schedule myself, and am struggling and failing to help DS learn that skill. I need to do much better, but have a really had time getting up and going early, and have since I was a kid. I never ever made it on time to public school! Maybe I am a homeschooler just so I don't have to get DS to the bus stop and relive my chronically late past.

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DS is 6 and a night owl like his mom. So we wake up around 9-10. As soon as we get a leisurely breakfast we start school so we get it done before anything else. I am terrible with keeping a schedule myself, and am struggling and failing to help DS learn that skill. I need to do much better, but have a really had time getting up and going early, and have since I was a kid. I never ever made it on time to public school! Maybe I am a homeschooler just so I don't have to get DS to the bus stop and relive my chronically late past.

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My kids are 8, 5, and 3.


I am up by 6, but my goal is 5:30.  My husband has breakfast ready for the the two of us at 6. We eat together and I start my quiet time. My husband likes to have breakfast with me, but that doesn't mean he really feels like talking to me that early in the morning. :)


Usually at least one of my kids is up between 6:30 and 7:00. They are welcome to come in for a hug and brief cuddle time at the table, and then I ask them to come back at 7:00 so that I can finish my Bible study without lots of interruptions. I start fixing the kids breakfast at 7:00 and wake the others up when it's ready. I have a morning routine chart that I ask them to work through on their own ( clear dishes from table, brush teeth, wash hands/face, get dressed, put away clothes, brush hair, and then hug me so that I know they are done - this helps for the mornings when we need to go somewhere). At 8:00 we do character training/family devotions. Last week I decided to get my 8yo started on some school subjects that she can do on her own at about 8:30  so I can get on the treadmill for about 30 minutes while the younger ones play. I usually start giving one-on-one attention with the 8yo or 5yo as soon as I come back upstairs and wait to shower later. I recently started a healthy snack break at 10:00 so that we can push lunch back until 1:00 and hopefully be done with school by then. We tend to fizzle out at lunch and have a hard time coming back to school work. This seems to be working well for us, but I have to admit our mornings seem to look different every few months. 

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How old are your kids? 9,7,4, 1
When do you get up? If it is a good day between 5:30-6:30, If it is a bad day it could be 2 am or 7:30 am (I've had some insomnia and a baby who nurses a lot)
When do the kids get up? Usually between 7-8 (my son has slept as late as 11, dd1 can get up around 6:30am)
When does school start? Between 8-10:30

Any tips on starting school on time? Do you have a set routine? When I just had 2 and I slept normally we just had a routine and we did it. When we started schooling we would start at 9. Breakfast was around 8 and then we would do some chores and started. 


Now, well with my sleep so erratic we start when I'm able. I absolutely prefer early as that is how I work best but I've just been going with the flow as I cannot control how often the baby wakes or if my body decides not to sleep. My ds is more towards night owl status, so I'm not sure what our schedule will look like as he gets older and has more work. 

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How old are your kids?  4 and 6.5 yo

When do you get up?  6AM

When do the kids get up?  usually 7 (4yo) and 7:30 (6yo) 

When does school start?   about 9AM if it's a formal school day, we're in the process of moving to a more 'learning-all-the time" approach to schooling 


Any tips on starting school on time?  consistency!

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How old are your kids?  11
When do you get up?    6:30 AM 
When do the kids get up? 7:30 AM (she goes to bed at 8:30 every night)
When does school start?  8:30 AM

Any tips on starting school on time?  Keep to the routine - no deviating unless it's the weekend or we have a day off.

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How old are your kids? 4 & 6

When do you get up? Around 6-6:30

When do the kids get up? 7:00

When does school start? 8:00


Any tips on starting school on time? If chores aren't done no breakfast. School starts at 8 am whether you made time to eat or not. If you didn't then you wait until are am break to eat and then do chores so you miss morning "recess" time which is usually a 10 min. snack and 20 min. play time :)


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How old are your kids? 8 & 11

When do you get up? 8

When do the kids get up? 7

When does school start? 9


Any tips on starting on time? Starting on time has been an issue, but starting with a good attitude has been even more difficult. A recent, small change for us has made a huge difference. I used to say they needed to be dressed and ready for school at 9. Well they had that time in their heads and would just push it to the last minute and then beyond, every day. Gentle reminders, nagging, trying to be strict didn't help. When they did start on time, they would have chips on their shoulders that I had taken them away from playing. Now, they can play until 8, then they need to get dressed and eat. They usually take their time and read while they eat. School starts when they're finished eating instead of going back to playing. They have been ready to start between 8:30 and 9 and attitudes are much improved.


The other thing I changed was adding breaks to their checklist. They have always taken breaks, but adding them to the checklist has really helped because it gives them a goal and some control on how their day is organized.


I'm not a morning person, so my husband often handles the breakfast routine. It is a great time for me to check work emails and get organized. He reinforces any behavioral objectives and helps set a positive tone with devotions or just good conversation. As others have said, the day always goes better when we both are up and chipper, helping the kids to greet the day.

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They are 12-they will be 13 in two weeks.

I get up anywhere between 6am-7am.

They get up anytime between 7am-7:30

School starts at 8am.



I will add that doesn't mean we are dressed and fed. It just means I start read-alouds then while they eat breakfast and wake up from their zombie state. They start their individual work about 9am. That's when I get dressed and eat my breakfast. We aim to start school on time because I work in the afternoons and would like the bulk of their work done by then. Especially the teacher intensive subjects like writing and math.



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We've recently changed our routine. My husband used to do the morning routine (and night-time/dinner, reading, and injections), and the day would be more relaxed/not timed. However, since he changed positions/careers in his company, everything has been more higgledy-piggledy. After speaking with our care team over a number of weeks, I am being transferred to full-time carer for everyone, as the current/previous schedule is not working (its affecting the kids schedules/medical needs, and DH is now working unknown hours ontop of his ordinary hours)


We've basically taken a sort of break (I'm using the time to do lots of reading with them, and fast forward Atlas through MUS, when she starts to slow down to her pace, I will start the other two on MUS (we've transferred all our school stuff to stuff that is more organized and can be done in less time). Reading Reflex wasn't open and go enough, WRTR requires too much from me before its open and go, and Reading Rescue has ideas for Fluency, but not much for us beyond that. I've order Funnix, as its a program where I have to be there (I prefer programs not independant right now, I like that TOG can be either teacher intensive or independant) but doesn't require my brain too much (which is filled with ratios/carbs/meal plans/animal care/household tasks/medical needs/speech plans and too much more) I'm also having to get up at a much earlier hour than I am used to and have a set bedtime that makes it hard to go to bed earlier to get more sleep. So right now I'm mainly working on getting the new get up/feed everybody plan, and soon will move to the get up earlier/exercise/dress nicely and feed everybody plan. I am NOT a morning person, never have been, also have insomnia and CFS, so all-in-all,my ideal "job" would be working nights/graveyard shift.


But I have found when you HAVE to do stuff for your family, you just find a way to do it. No matter how disgruntled it may make you, you trudge on, and put a smile on your face :P Such is life.


So the new pretty much non-negotiable plan that has been worked out looks like this: (and remember this is from a previously never-seen-a-timetable-family :P )



6am: Put Wash On/Let Dog Out/Exercise

6:30am: Exercise/ DH Wakes Up & Showers

7am: Shower/Dress & Clean/Make Breakfast DH: Wakes Kids Up & Helps with Breakfast

7:30am: Injections/Eat/Prep for School Kids: EatBreakfast DH:Eat Breakfast & Leave

8am: Clean up Breakfast/Chores Kids: Chores & Dog Fed

8:30am: Phonics with Eve (includes handwriting), Atlas plays/exercise with Dog, Chaos has freetime

9am: Phonics with Chaos (also includes speech & motor), Girls play together

9:30am Phonics with Atlas (includes handwriting, fluency, reading aloud,advanced phonograms) Eve & Chaos play together

10am: Morning Tea
10:30am: Math with Eve, Atlas & Chaos Play together

11am: Math with Chaos, Girls exercise/play with Dog

11:30am: Math with Atlas, Chaos & Eve have freeplay

12pm: Computer Time/Desk stuff for me(and make lunch), Kids clean up their messes


1pm: Cleaning (I re-go over areas they "Cleaned" and also do general tidying), Kids have freeplay

1:30pm: TOG Literature

2pm: TOG Activities

2:30pm: COmputer/Desk TIme for Me, Freetime for Kids

3pm: Afternoon Tea

3:30pm: Afternoon Chores

4pm:TOG (TOG also includes Science & Art)

4:30pm: TOG

5pm Dinner Prep/Chores for Me, Kids play outside

5:30: Dinner Prep/Chores for Me, Kids Play outside

6pm Dinner (DH usually back home)

6:30pm: Dinner Cleanup (everybody helps)

7pm: Bath/Shower (if needed, we are rural and have bath/shower nights scheduled in) otherwise freetime. DH has freetime/quiet time

7:30pm: Supper/Family Time/Read Alouds

8pm: Clean Up/Night Routine for Everyone, Cats Fed

8:30pm: Kids Bedtime, DH has freetime/Quiet time

9pm: I do medical paperwork, DH has free time

9:30pm: DH & I spend some time together (I get to talk to an adult, yey! LOL)

10pm: Bedtime.


But I don't fall asleep till 12-3. So I'm currently working on my sleep patterns. So school is prettyintermingled in our day. But we are a one-car family, my son has SN, so I can't go out all the time, he simply cannot handle it (I also have views on children outside the home before age 9) so we don't have outside commitments, live rurally and are taking advantage/realizing certain cons of the summer sun here downunder, so the kids go outside later, in winter this timetable will obviously be adjusted a little, it will also slowly slightly adjust to our lives more. The mealtimes are non-negotiable since there has to be 2 hours between end to beginning due to the diabetes, so everything else is worked in between that. We also work on CM ideals of short lessons, so maximum lesson for my eldests 'phonics" is 20 mins, we do in half-hour blocks to be able to catch up or stophas running around like crazy chickens. My youngest, her longest is 10-15 minute phonics/math lessons, they may also do something else (like handwriting, exercises, meditation etc) during their alloted timeslots. TOG activities can basically include TOG, Science, Art, Living Math (History Cycle Lessons), and can range from Literature to building models/crafts, movies etc, so for a 2 hour timeslot they aren't basically sitting reading for 2 hours (although if one child is in the middle of reading or making something, I try not to interrupt them unless I have to, I don't interrupt them whilst they are happily working on something unless I need to check their levels, or they need to eat etc) so I still try to keep it as flexible as possible.


Im still working/tweaking the timetable, but more with adding details and changing around maybe certain afternoon TOG stuff and Evening outside time. Nothing else can really be moved.


Also on Saturday we have a family day out,we leave after breakfast and come back about dinner-time. Where we go depends on what we are doing in school and whats going on in real life. It can be as simple as spending the day at the park, togoing to a museum or fair/fete. I just take easy food with us


Sunday we have a more relaxed day, I don't exercise on the weekend, and we just  stick to the meals time table,the morning/evening chores, and the night-time routine. The rest is blank/free.


I decided the best thing for me is not a phone that annoys me with its jingles and going on standbyso I cantsee the time, and being too big to carry around, but a wristwatch I can keep glancing at, so hopefully am going to get one this weekend. :D


A screen wristwatch with a constantly moving moth type schedule on it would be ideal, but you know, beggars cant be choosers :p ROFL.I probably wouldbe squinting at the screen of something like that anyway. So memorising my schedule and asimply wristwatch is a more practical solution to portability and timekeeping/management


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How old are your kids? 8,6,4,2,6wks

When do you get up? i aim for 6:30. sometimes it's 6, sometimes 8.

When do the kids get up? 2 and 4yo- 7:30-8:30, 6yo- 8:30ish, 8yo- 8:30-10, baby- usually 8-8:30

When does school start? 1ish


Any tips on starting school on time? nope. since it's often around 4 before we really get started.

we are afternoon schoolers. with the range of times my kids get up and the amount of time it takes us to get moving, it's just easier for us. morning is for chores, play, outings, getting sucked into the computer, etc. 2yo theoretically naps in the afternoon, taking her out of the equation. unfortunately, we now have a baby who  tends to be awake in the afternoon, likes to be held, and can be fussy. :/

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How old are your kids?  11, 6, and 3
When do you get up? About 6:30 give or take. 
When do the kids get up? Same
When does school start? After everyone has had breakfast, gotten dressed, brushed teeth, and did their "morning jobs" (which are to get dressed, brush teeth, make a bed, and lightly pick up and get ready to get some books out). And had coffee and brief computer check in time (for mama and daddy!) Usually I like kids to be busy either doing school with me, working independently, or playing productively by 9:00 to 9:30. But I'm not strict about the *time* we do things.

Any tips on starting school on time? I don't really care about what *time* we do things, but I do care about a general daily and weekly routine. If I had to think in terms of it's 10:30, time for math...we would all hate each other. We just don't work like that. Better for me to have an expectation of what gets done daily/weekly. We've done school stuff at 8:00 at night before.


As far as getting yourself up and around. A decent bedtime, a good easy to grab or make breakfast, some coffee or a cup of tea, a clean kitchen the night before, and if needed some clothes set out for the kids each day. I like my kids to have some easy chores in the morning. It helps give the feeling of getting busy with the day. I like to start a load of laundry and vacuum before thinking about school stuff.

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7, 4.5 and almost 3.



7:15, we do Bible, memory work and SOTW at breakfast


I just make myself stop whatever I am doing and start at 7:00. I really want to finish folding clothes or checking fb, but I know I will be sorry if I put it off :). I remind myself I can finish chores during one of our (many) breaks.

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How old are your kids? 5, 9, 11

When do you get up? 6-7

When do the kids get up? 7-8:30

When does school start? Between 9-10


Any tips on starting school on time? Be realistic with a routine that would work for your family. Don't go starting school earlier than they normally wake, don't expect school before they've had breakfast, & don't start until they've had some "wake up" time. This is what I did. Now we are a routine that works for us. My dh has made comments for a couple years about making the kids wake sooner and getting on a more "normal" schedule. I refuse to adjust to a schedule that isn't comfortable for us all. For starters..I'm not a morning person! LOL

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My kids are 11 and 7


I get up anywhere from 5-7, usually - depends on what I've got on my mind, and on my plate for the day

Dd7 gets up between 7-8

dd11 gets up between 8-9

School starts around 9.  If it starts later, I get antsy because I know we won't get it all done.


Was there another question?  I can't remember, i got up at 4 today  :lol:

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