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Endometrial ablation advice

Guest Brdama04

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Guest Brdama04

I am scheduled to have my endometrial ablation on valentines day. It is scheduled for 6am. My question to people who have had this done, do you think I will be able to go to dinner that night with my husband? Most said they felt fine and even went back to work the next day. But what about the day of? I am just trying to get a realistic expectation of the day. I am being put under general anesthesia.

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I had the old procedure about 10 years ago with the hot water filled balloon.  I don't know if that alters the healing time or not, but there is absolutely no way I would have been able to go out the same day.  It was some of the worst pain I ever had and I had a very hard time getting it under control.  I spent the day knocked out on narcotics and slept.  The next few weeks were just like after child birth for me.  Cramping, bleeding, tired, sore but the pain was manageable after the first day and I felt fine in a couple of days. 


Even with the pain, I would do it again in a heart beat.  It was the best decision I made in regards to my health at the time. 

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No. Dinner time is about the time the full effect of the anesthesia will be worn off and you will feel discomfort (if not downright pain). It took me a few days to not feel sore and a good week to feel like is gotten all my energy back. (ETA I had the Novasure procedure).


Don't bow to Hallmark - reschedule your romantic dinner to an evening when you know you will feel up to it.

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its been about 8 years.  as i remember it, i could have gone out if it were an emergency, but i sure wouldn't have been having fun.


have you ever been under a general anaesthetic?  people react differently.  for me, i start being sick to my stomach about 4pm, and that lasts, oh, for a good long while.  if i have really good anti-nausea drugs, it only lasts about 6 hours.  with regular anti-nausea drugs, it will be 12+ hours. 


i'd wait.... it will be more fun, and cheaper, all at once. :)


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I had a Novasure ablation about five years ago.  I did not have general anesthesia.  After the procedure, I was awake for the car ride, but I can't remember having ANY interest in eating for the rest of the day.  The following afternoon, I was able to go to a neighbor's jewelry party--but I drove rather than walk. 


I'd encourage you to have a back up plan for dinner.  Take care of yourself.  I'll share too that my ablation changed my life, made me FREE!!!  There was several weeks of clear discharge that required a tiny panty liner, but I've had nothing in the five years since, so period, no nothing.  A nice equalizer for all of the yuck I endured prior to the ablation.  I'm hoping for the same fantastic results for you--and if not that, at least a NORMAL life again, which would be more than wonderful too!!!


:grouphug: :grouphug:




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not sure if it's because I had other things done too (tubal--cyst removal--IUD removal)---but I wasn't in any shape to be going out-I was in bed a day or so....What was supposed to be a half day outpatient procedure turned into a 23hour stay for me....would have been kept longer into the next day but screw up with them getting in touch with my insurance to "ok" the longer stay in time.....

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I had one last year and I don't think I would have wanted to go to dinner for many days!  I did have a balloon stint put in so I don't know how that impacted my pain- I know it increased cramping.  I found it incredibly uncomfortable and I generally have a high tolerance for pain.  

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Guest Brdama04

Thank you everyone for you replies and words of comfort :) I had it done at 6:00 this morning and just woke at home. I am kind if itchy from the anesthesia wearing off, but I am happy to report I do not feel any pain. I am very mildly cramping, and feeling pretty good. We have decided however to still celebrate with our best friends for valentines day, but instead if going out, we are ordering food in and the other couple is coming over here to watch a movie Lol I definitely don't feel like getting ready and going out. But I am so excited for the future with no periods! It was the best valentines day ever!

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