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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm am. I already tackled more than half of Thursday :D.



-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, Logic, Catechism

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Spelling, Reading

-dd5: Math, Copywork, Spelling, Reading

-read aloud during lunch (2x)

-Greek & Latin vocab



To do:

-clean kitchen

-study Greek

-study Latin

-online payment

-declutter computer table

-read book


-practice juggling (with kids)



-get enough steps

-vit D & multi & fish oil


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I am so tired.  We got home from the city last night after the concert at 1am, I am beat.


work daycare 730-830am

dd14 online latin 845-945

ds15 shrink appt 1pm

work daycare 3-6

teens shooting 630-9pm

pack for teens camp, and youngers weekend at gramma's

go to bottle depot





try to sqeeze a nap in somewhere, I am getting a dull headache due to lack of sleep so need to fit that in if I can

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Morning Girlies!

It's a foggy morning right now. Even though it's dangerous, it's beautiful! Very ghostly and still out.



** school

** get kids to do their Valentines. Our co-op is having a Valentine's party tomorrow.

** bake cookies for said party

** it's Thursday, so dd7 has Kingdom Kids

** make dinner for a friend of mine. They've received custody of a 5 year old girl in the foster care system they hope to adopt, and are rather overwhelmed. So, I'm just going to make a huge pot of italian sausage and pasta soup and give them half and make some focaccia bread and take it over to them.


I think that's it. Gotta go get in the shower and get started with this day!

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Nasty, nasty weather. We are right on the line between snow and wintry mix with 5" or so on the ground. Dh's office actually closed so he's working from home today----only one client call so far. He's watching speed skating across the table from me :lol: We just finished a very late breakfast of French toast and are waiting for the second pot of decaf to brew :)


So today:

--school for dd: maths, English, sciences (I'll let her go at whatever pace she wishes since her activities are cancelled)

--exercise: 60 min cardio in the frigid basement :rolleyes:


--some high school planning

--reading while drinking tea :party:

--might change the planned dinner or add something (dd thinks my sweet potato-black bean empanadas are too spicy for her taste)


And that's it! Dd has such a busy next few days with the FLL regional competition Saturday (winner advances to Worlds) and then her first AMC10 exam next Wednesday-----with all the FLL practices and ballet classes and rehearsals and practice AMCs, she could use a quieter day today :)

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Prayers sent Jen

Now for my day..

- dishes- done

- fold and put away 2 loads of laundry- done

- tidy house- done enough

- get dd1 off the bus- done

- dinner- done

- bedtime routine

- college prep stuff while holding my wee ones- forgot about dd1's valentines day stuff... Oops

- call college about orientation stuff- done and have dd2's child care taken care of as well, they have a day care in campus that Im going to use, just will have dh get out of work early that day to get dd1 off the bus.

- call on medical bill- done

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I thought this thread would inspire me, but now I feel really lazy...


I have had some coffee and gone for a walk in the snow. I sledded down the hill in my backyard a few time. ;-) I sat in front of the fire dh built. Now it's time for lunch and a nap. We'll make some Valentine's cards in the afternoon.

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I was so wrong about the snow amount----we have at least 10" on the ground. All precipitation has stopped for at least an hour at this point. Rain is supposed to move in later this afternoon, changing to snow again.


I have done nothing but drink coffee and watch Olympics on the BBC :D

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Praying for your family, Jen!


It's our 10:00 break, sun is out, fog burned off and the kids are outside with the neighbors who are on a Foggy Day Schedule from school. See, around here, the fog is so dense and dangerous schools don't want busses and parents with children out driving on the roads, so they call a Foggy Day Schedule and start school at 11:00, when hopefully most of the fog has burned off. Honestly, what with a long Christmas Vacation, all these Monday holidays and now Foggy Day Schedules, I wonder if kids are learning anything in school. My kids are horribly jealous.

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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

1 load of laundry is in the washing machine

Kitchen is mostly done.  I just need to wait for dh to finish his breakfast and then I'll run the dishwasher.

Dd is moaning and reading her history.  She said "Why can't I just wait until high school and do it all then?"   :svengo:  :svengo:

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Thanks everyone. Gma was 94 and in very bad health in a nursing home. I am glad that she is finally home.  Her husband (a late in life second marriage) is still in their home (he refused to go to assisted living) and is being helped by his grown kids.  He is 94 as well and very deaf, so his son is going to tell him. But...there is a blizzard and no one can get to his house. So everything, plans etc, are on hold until he is told.


The rest of our day is pretty normal. School, chores, practices this pm.


Krissi, I had to laugh about the Foggy Day schedules. My kids' friends get a 5 day break for President's Day. 5 days! Mine have been lobbying hard for that as well, but I have resisted. It seems their friends are always getting days off, much to the annoyance of my kids who are forced by their mean mother to do school every day.

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Jen, I'm sorry for your loss.

My little perked up around noon.  I'm not sure what was going on but I'm glad he got up and started playing.  He is never quiet and still . He sat in the recliner or in my lap for about 4 hours this morning.

My oldest did most of his school work last night because we were going to do things in town this morning but that didn't happen.  We'll try and again tomorrow.

We did get the house cleaned and laundry folded and put up.

If the little one is still his happy self we're going to the Lego movie this afternoon.

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:grouphug: praying Jen


Well school got pretty much cancelled.  I came home from my morning shift, laid down on the couch and fell promptly to sleep snuggling my puppy.  I woke up again at noon and by then it was time to make lunch and get stuff done for today, and we missed ds15s shrink appt so I need to reschedule that.  Now on my way to afternoon shift at work to be followed by the teens shooting practice.  Maybe we will get an assignment or 2 done tonight after that.  Their gear is in the washer getting cleaned to be ready to pack tonight for their camp and otherwise everything else is on track.

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3:30 pm check-in

** soup - on the stove

** dessert (brownies) in the oven

** focaccia - done

** dd - should be in her way home from Kingdom kids (my mom brings her home)

** school - done!


Trivia for today (it's on the talk radio show I listen to in the afternoon) : who is the most forgivable liar? Survey says.... Bill Clinton (is anyone surprised?) (this was taken from an article the host read)

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Dd just finished her schoolwork. I supervised some funky conics problems while enjoying a decidedly non-tea, quite adult beverage :D


I also exercised, vented about high school decisions to dh, and read half of a 600 page book. An excellent snow day!


Everything is closed for tomorrow. The FLL team is supposed to present their project to their industry partner at 10am. I hope the roads will all be good by then!

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Dropped kids off at the Y.  Went to the grocery store for some necessities.  Got home and found the phone ringing.  It was dd asking me to come back to the Y (sigh) because she forgot her cookies in the car.  Quick put away groceries.  Went back to the Y but since I now didn't have enough time to go home again, stayed for a half an hour.  Got to talk to two friends.  


Not feeling so good tonight but managed to clean up the kitchen that looked like a bomb went off in it.  

Got ds to switch laundry around.

Start to wonder where Libby the Disabled wonder dog was, and realized that I had locked her out the front door for an hour an a half.  Oops!  



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