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100th day of school :)

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OOh fun! We are on Day 117 so no fun here LOL. I guess we missed it. I don't have any good ideas, just wanted to say congrats!


LOL, well, if we'd been on top of things, I suspect that we should be past day 100.  But since we had a lax December, we're just now approaching it. :D


There's all sorts of hidden math that we'll be doing, disguised as 100th day "fun."  And writing, i.e. "If I had 100 dollars..." or "When I am 100..."  :p  Luckily, I have kids that eat up that sort of crap, I mean, those sorts of activities... :D


Here's my 100th day Pinterest board, for those who are wondering what sort of activities we have planned...

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Very fun board!  Our school made a huge deal out of the 100th day when my kids were in, but I haven't done much for it with my eldest.  I think my younger two would LOVE it though, especially since they've been keeping track of days in their calendar notebooks.  Sadly, we won't hit that milestone until March... Which has us doing exactly what the public schools do, and continue through the end of June, YUCK! More breaks, but still... Having some sick days really messed us up.  Thankfully we don't have to track for the district so we'll see how far we get. 

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I thought about doing 101 instead and watching 101 Dalmatians, but I may just do nothing like I normally do for the 100th day. If we do. Something, I would do a light school day and something fun with 100 or 101, whichever I picked. Also, my kids are not keeping close track on the number so I could move it a few days to a convenient day if I do decide to do something. Actually, 100 may have already passed...

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I thought about doing 101 instead and watching 101 Dalmatians, but I may just do nothing like I normally do for the 100th day. If we do. Something, I would do a light school day and something fun with 100 or 101, whichever I picked. Also, my kids are not keeping close track on the number so I could move it a few days to a convenient day if I do decide to do something. Actually, 100 may have already passed...


101 -- that's a fun idea too!  Might have to do that one next year. :)


As far as keeping track of days... I *think* I've been fairly accurate. :p  If nothing else, my attendance sheet says we'll hit 100 in about a week & a half...  close enough!

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My two younger kids who go to B&M school do.  Typically they have to collect 100 of something, but this year they dressed up like they were 100 years old. It was a lot of fun.  We also figured out what year they would have been born in…and then kind of researched life back then.  (Did this with my 10 year old too, who home schools.)

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Yep, my youngest loves stuff like this. I still need to decide on some activities, but we will celebrate. Last year she made 100 day glasses and a hat. I also cut out the numbers 1-0-0 from construction paper and she had to incorporate them into a drawing of her choice. I also gave her a small bag of cookies and labeled it "You're one smart cookie. Happy 100th Day of School." None of these were my original idea. There are lots if fun resources online. Have fun!

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We celebrated this year because we've been keeping track of the days with toothpicks making tens bundles every ten days.  When we got to ten tens-bundles, we bundled those up into a hundreds bundle.  So they were all excited about it, and I decided to make it a fun day.  The first half of this blog post talks a little about what we did.  Keep in mind I am not the most crafty or creative person so for me this was pretty good!  :) 

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I've never really gotten why it's celebrated really.


Well, I think it's more of a "why not?"

I did it when I taught public school -- because anything you can do to get 25 6-yr olds excited about is a plus. Plus, there are all kinds of writing, art, math tie-ins... and it hits right around this "blah" time of year when taking a fun-day break is needed for sanity (at least for the teacher).


I agree that it's not a necessary thing, especially for homeschoolers.  I mainly do it b/c it's an easy way to add some fun to our year and that way they don't feel left out when they see that their public school friends did this huge, fun 100th day thing.  I doubt we'll do it once they get a few years older.

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