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Curious - what do you do on a snow day?

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So my kids have been home all day and will be home all day tomorrow.  They are old enough and sane enough to keep themselves occupied while I am working upstairs, but all they are doing is reading, playing, and watching DVDs.  This made me wonder - what do you guys do when you have bad weather days off school?


Tomorrow I think I will give them some "work" to do in addition to reading, while I work upstairs.


I don't know how the poor teachers are supposed to pick up where they left off with all these super-long weekends.

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When my son has snow day, normally I still need to go to office and my husband stays home with him. Daddy does not do any teaching because he does not have that patience. Therefore, I have to assign my son some independent works so that he does not need to bother Daddy. Below is my standard assignment for snow day:


1. Violin 30 minutes

2. Reading 30 minutes

3. Chinese homework 2 pages

4. Math

- timed Addition (min. 60 questions in 10 minutes max.)

- timed Subtraction (min. 50 questions 2 pages in 10 minutes max.)

- Singapore math workbook (1-2 exercises)

5. Growing with Grammar 2 lessons 


Above are items that he needs to complete before I get home. Then we will continue same after school routine (reading instruction, review all his works etc.) as regular days. 


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I make a work packet like beishan said. I add some puzzle math, SM cwp, copy work, Latin worksheets, critical thinking company logic book pages. In addition there is piano practice. When this is all done, I let my child watch brainpop, do dreambox math or EPGY for fun.

We might do a longer read aloud and let ds have a bubble bath on snow days.

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I don't afterschool, but my dh is a school teacher. A snow day for him is a snow day for us! We do a lot of playing board games together as well as watching movies or favorite dvds together. I would do the things you don't normally have time to do together. Here are some school related ideas.


make hot cocoa or tea and have a poetry reading session together

bake cookies together and have them do math with the recipe

try to make an art project to mimic one of the masters

pick a favorite event in history and put together a detailed timeline


I would try to make it as fun as possible. Those carefree days are few and far between! 

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Normally if it was because of snow, they'd be outside a lot.  This year it's been more about cold (think frostbite amputations), so I'm not pushing them outside so much.


It was a nice three days.  Miss A read a Magic Treehouse book each day and did math, reading comprehension, grammar, piano, and some other stuff.  Miss E is a brat, so she mostly did what she wanted.  :P  They both watched a lot of Liberty Kids, Carmen Sandiego, and Magic Schoolbus, and they now know more about the founding fathers than I do.  :)

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Yes, educational DVDs are great. We normally not allowed screen time during school days even it it snowing. We allow our son to watch those educational DVD or games after he finishes the assignment and got tired of playing snow outside. He loves Liberty Kids, Magic school bus, Eye witness series and Brainpop Jr. It is really freezing this year!!

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If I get to stay home on the snow day, too, we take advantage of the time at home together. Typically, we read books to one another, play a lot of board games, make banana break/a batch of cookies, and watch a movie (along with cleaning/organizing, etc.). There is a lot of math built into the board games (keeping score, being the banker, etc.) and baking. However, we don't do any no worksheets or formal "schooling".

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It has been too much snow this year. We get another snow day today!!! Children in our distrcit need to make up the school day later on. I think they may need to go in on president's day for makeup school day.

If it is 1 or 2 days through the winter, I am fine to let him play all day long and treat it as a lucky break. However, so far we got 5 snow days this year already and it is only beginning of Feburary.

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I'm really glad that the kids did some work on their snow days, because now they are more used to the idea that when we have long periods of time at home, they spend a good chunk of it working (while I do my work upstairs).  This past weekend I gave them a pile of stuff to work on independently and left them to manage it, with the promise of DVD watching if they finished it in a reasonable time frame.  I have been impressed with how well Miss A is pacing herself.  Since I work 7 day weeks, her being able to work independently makes a big difference..

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Well, we just had one yesterday. Work related: 


1. One hard math problem where DS had to use math to check his answer

2. Finished school valentines cards (6 remained)

3. 30 minutes of independent reading. 

4. Small chore (room cleaning)


Overall, this took about one hour. The rest of the day, we watched the Anne of Green Gables miniseries, read comic books, played on the computer, and completed at least 10 rainbow loom bracelets. And more independent reading (voluntary), because it's fun:) 


In seriousness, I like to see DS do a few work/school related tasks on days off. He's then free to use his time (mostly) how he likes. 

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