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Another miscarriage question--updated


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I had a miscarriage two weeks ago. It happened at home after two rounds of Cytotec. The miscarriage was intense. I lost two pounds the first day and had lots of bleeding for 3 days and I'm still spotting 2 weeks later.


My level this morning was 3460. My doctor wants another ultrasound this week.


How quickly should the levels go down? We (my doctor and I) went with the meds to avoid another D&C--am I headed that direction anyway?!? This is so frustrating and it has taken up the entire month of January. I'm tired.


Update--ultrasound today shows no tissue but thickness. My doctor is going to let me try the Cytotec one more time before we go for a D&C. Goodie.

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I've never had Cytotec or a D&C.  I also don't know what my HcG levels were after the miscarriages started.  My first miscarriage involved *heavy* bleeding for 4 weeks, anemia, and after pains for 6-8 months (strong cramping if I stomped my foot or was physically active at all).  My second was more typical with bleeding for 2-3 weeks but that tapered instead of remaining very heavy.  Neither had any complications.  My guess would be that still bleeding after 2 weeks is within normal limits, especially if the bleeding is no longer heavy.  So sorry you're going through this. (hug)

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Don't read if you're squeamish.


I had a miscarriage two weeks ago. It happened at home after two rounds of Cytotec. The miscarriage was intense. I lost two pounds the first day and had lots of bleeding for 3 days and I'm still spotting 2 weeks later.


My level this morning was 3460. My doctor wants another ultrasound this week.


How quickly should the levels go down? We (my doctor and I) went with the meds to avoid another D&C--am I headed that direction anyway?!? This is so frustrating and it has taken up the entire month of January. I'm tired.


How far along were you? It sounds like the doctor wants an u/s because your numbers are still elevated. I was 12 weeks and I believe I had a negative preg. test at 2-3 weeks after the miscarriage.


I am sorry for your loss. It was more difficult for me than expected. Give your body time to heal and take it easy. :hugs:

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I had an incomplete miscarriage, my body was retaining part of the placenta that had attached to scar tissue :/.  I had the major "expulsion" then bled for six weeks until the last bit finally separated, then the bleeding stopped within a few days.  I refused to do a D&C, because that is what led to the scar tissue being there in the first place, so my doctor just monitored me.  My levels went down sssslllllooooowwwwwllllly, so I had to go in for a blood draw every week for the six weeks, then again at 8 weeks to make sure they were close to zero.  It took the full eight weeks of spotting/bleeding to get my hcg back to the teens, I believe, and they stopped testing after that.  They did the initial u/s when they realized my hcg was still super high a week after the initial m/c, but that was the last one, I just did blood draws after that.

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Half life of Hcg is 36 hours and it must get to below 5 to show negative on the test. Hope that helps you do the math. Personally, I would not let anyone do a D&C on me for a thick uterus. If your OB doc is concerned this might be a molar pregnancy, then your Hcg levels will start going back up again. Otherwise, I would wait it out.

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