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Teach With Movies...wow

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I just read about teachwithmovies.org and thought I"d share.  It used to be a subscription site but is now FREE!  I can't get over the way it builds a lesson around the movie you choose.  DD13 is just finishing Ancient Greek studies so I clicked on The Odyssey.  There is so much information there..way more than I'd use while teaching her.  I love the page that gives me all sorts of writing ideas for fiction movies that includes prompts and suggestions for writing the paper        ..http://teachwithmovies.org/standard-assignments.htm


There is generally a worksheet per movie with questions to think about, morality, ethics, etc etc.  It gives the rating of the movie, reason for the rating, other generalities about it, links to other sites that are beneficial for that subject..On the front page of the site there are tabs that categorize the worksheets, AGE, subject type, on and on!  I am so excited about this resource.


I clicked on Age 13 and found some good suggestions, clicked on the 1938 version of The Adventures of Robin Hood (as we head into medieval and middles ages) and that page has ALL kinds of references to helpful sites to discuss the story, what was going on in the world at the time of the writing of the story and why it was relevant, lots and lots of background.  I like the discussion prompts too.  I rarely, if ever add movies to the curriculum here, but will do it if it's entirely teachable and relevant.  With all of the resources on this site, THIS is how I'd work a movie into a school day!


It refers you to Amazon to find the movie most of the time, but I have found several on YouTube in their entirety and a few at my local library in an online search. 


Can you tell I'm excited? LOL

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I'm not sure when they went free since I just 'found' it today.  I read on a review site they used to charge. 


OH Everafter!  I thought about that for our middle ages studies since it's one of my favorite movies of all times, but thought Robin HOod might tie in better.  Maybe we'll watch both LOL

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OH Everafter!  I thought about that for our middle ages studies since it's one of my favorite movies of all times, but thought Robin HOod might tie in better.  Maybe we'll watch both LOL


You can love them both. I "assigned" A Knight's Tale, too. I just have to keep my finger on the "skip" button at one (or two) part(s) since I have young kids. My oldest has several movies assigned this year for history (El Cid, Henry V, A Lion in Winter (not for youngsters!), etc.). We even built in our Figuratively Speaking topic for this week (conflict) when we discussed the movie.  :thumbup1:

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You can love them both. I "assigned" A Knight's Tale, too. I just have to keep my finger on the "skip" button at one (or two) part(s) since I have young kids. My oldest has several movies assigned this year for history (El Cid, Henry V, A Lion in Winter (not for youngsters!), etc.). We even built in our Figuratively Speaking topic for this week (conflict) when we discussed the movie.  :thumbup1:


A Knight's Tale...forgot about that one!  And I thought of First Knight!  Good idea..finger on the remote for both...

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