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How's your bible reading plan going?


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I am doing really well with my bible reading.  At the end of Dec. Gospel Coalition had a post listing the various reading plans that were available.  I chose the one entitled, 'Shirkers and Slackers.'  While I don't really like the title, I do like the plan.  For each day of the week you read a different genre, for ex. on sundays, you read from the Wisdom books,  Mon. is from the Pentateuch,  Tues.--O.T. Historical, etc.   I love this because I cannot stay still in one book for too long.  Jumping around is what I do best so this plan is working well.  I did miss the readings for this weekend but I can just pick them up next weekend, no problem. 

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I'm doing well so far. I am using Powered by 4 which sends readings with commentary 4 time per week. I am also using the GoTandem app which sends me bible verses with thought-provoking questions after them, 3 times per day. And I am also listening to an audio bible each morning while I get ready for work. I am going through the NT first.

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I started Professor Horner's Bible reading plan that someone posted a link to in a previous thread. It's going really well. The 10 bookmarks are very helpful. I tried a similar plan years ago, but didn't have markers. Now, instead of flipping all through the Bible to look for the next reading, I just flip to the next marker. Who knew it could be so simple? It only takes me about 30 minutes to read 10 chapters. And if I happen to miss a day for whatever reason, I just take up where I left off. I don't feel guilty looking at dates or a checklist and feel like I have to catch up.

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My stated goal in that thread was to read the church's daily readings (Gospel and epistle; about 5-10 verses each) and go to church a lot (since our services are pretty much based on Scripture).  I really stink at both -- but I press on!  His mercies are new every morning. 

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I ended up having knee surgery the day after Christmas, so we got delayed as a family (we were reading a chapter from Matthew at dinner each night but I couldn't sit at the table for a while). We need to restart now that we are eating together as a family again. I've also been hit and miss with my morning readings but at least for now am more consistent than our year-log Gospel readings as a family.

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I'm using the M'Cheyne plan.  Over the course of the year, it takes the reader through the New Testament and Psalms twice, and the rest of the Bible once.  DH used it last year, and I liked the idea of us reading the same thing at the same time so we could discuss more.  So far, I'm staying on track - and I just got a new Bible for my birthday earlier this week, so it's even more fun to read!


When Robert Murray M'Cheyne originally developed the plan for his church (in the early 1800s), he divided the readings up so that two readings are for the family and two are for private reading.  DH and I decided to use just one of the family readings with the kids, and that's been good for our family as well.  I spend a lot of time telling DD#2, "Shh, we're listening to Daddy read the Bible right now," but she's learning. :)

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I'm behind and I'm totally okay with it!  The church I work for is reading two plans together in the month of January.  One is a 21 day fast plan that goes with our fast that started on the 6th.  The other is a Reading God's Word together. It's a 12 part series of 28 days each.  I haven't even looked at the fast plan and I'm only on day 3 of the other one.  With that said, I've totally changed the way both my family and I do bible study this year. 


As a family we sit down and read the Reading God's Word together right after dinner 3-5 times a week depending on nightly activities.  It takes us about an hour to get through 3 chapters but we are really enjoying it.  First time we've ever read the Bible together and the kids didn't act like we were slowly killing them.  We are all taking turns, acting out the spoken parts, and pausing to go on tangents based on what we are reading.


Personally, I'm taking an hour a day and doing one chapter in that hour.  I have made myself some bible study templates that I fill out.  They are Character, Chapter, Topic, and Location forms.  Each chapter I read through, I fill out the chapter form, then fill out one character form per person encountered in the chapter (or add to the existing character form), fill out any Topic info that I found, and then fill out a Location or add to a location form.  At this point, I may get through 10 books this year but I'll really know them and I'll have my notes to look through in the future.


I'm okay with being behind because there is so much other stuff going on in our life right now that I had to set my expectations lower than I'd like at the start of the year.  Christmas week our nephew passed away, New Year's week my husband announced that he was retiring (5 years earlier than planned), that same week my teenage daughter told me she was choosing to stay at her dad's and not return from her Christmas visit, the next week we made the decision to move out of our house in two months and purge then store everything and live in our 5th wheel to prepare for retirement.  Needless to say, with everything going on, I'm struggling to stay on top of work and school let alone anything else.

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