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WW Simple Start

Night Elf

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Anyone doing Weight Watchers and knows about the new Simple Start program? I found out about it at the meeting today. They are really pushing the power foods. I tried sticking to them for a few days at the beginning of 2013 and I didn't like it. I felt like I was overeating and had no way of knowing. I still prefer tracking points. It became second nature. I guess the new program will attract new members though, because it offers shopping lists, recipes, a power foods list, and no counting of calories or points, except what they now call indulgence points that replace the weekly points.

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I downloaded the app last week and just looked at it. From what I could tell it's just meant to be a sort of jump start. Once you download the app you have two weeks until it's over. It says you can always download it again if you want to keep doing it after two weeks are up. I liked some of the recipes I saw, and there are badges and things you can earn. It's kind of a fun idea. But I don't think Weight Watchers would ever do away with Points!


I personally like the idea of Simply Filling because I'm less likely to have a perfectionist mentality than if I'm counting Points, and I eat the same things most of the time so counting gets to be a bit of a drag. But I also like just going back and forth to keep things fresh. 

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So what is it doing?  Is it basically eliminating the "bad" stuff?  "Clean" eating for 2 weeks?  What does it mean?


The info on the homepage is pretty vague. I think the gist is that they give you lists of healthy foods and recipes, and you can eat whatever you want--no tracking--from those foods for two weeks to "jump start" your plan. So, yes. Clean eating, emphasis on satisfying/filling clean eating. Maybe a good option for someone who needs some extra hand-holding in the what to eat department?


Like gingersmom said, you could probably just do power foods and track, if you wanted. I haven't poked around in the simple start stuff, but from the sounds of it the lists are probably just the power foods lists. I eat a lot of those foods on a regular basis, anyway, so I'm skipping it. I know what to eat, I need to eat less of it. :laugh:


ETA: Yeah, I just looked a little further, and it is lists and recipes created around the power foods (basically whole foods--fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins).

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WW has not worked for me since they got rid of the exchange type program that only allowed 2 servings of bread per day.   They implemented something else right after that (not points yet) that said we should have 6 servings of bread per day (based on food pyramid).  I GAINED weight on that one!


Then points came around.  It is too much food for me.  I maintained and honestly, that is the way I eat normally anyway (the amounts).


So, back to tracking calories and limiting carbs for me it is!  I am also not allowing myself any sugar or wheat…..carbs will be from brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa…..and they will be very limited (1 cup max per day.)


There are also no WW close to me except on that meets on Mon. nights and I can't go on Mon. nights.




But I would love an accountability group to go to.  DH even said not to worry about the cost, just do SOMETHING to get the weight off.



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The info on the homepage is pretty vague. I think the gist is that they give you lists of healthy foods and recipes, and you can eat whatever you want--no tracking--from those foods for two weeks to "jump start" your plan. So, yes. Clean eating, emphasis on satisfying/filling clean eating. Maybe a good option for someone who needs some extra hand-holding in the what to eat department?


Like gingersmom said, you could probably just do power foods and track, if you wanted. I haven't poked around in the simple start stuff, but from the sounds of it the lists are probably just the power foods lists. I eat a lot of those foods on a regular basis, anyway, so I'm skipping it. I know what to eat, I need to eat less of it. :laugh:


ETA: Yeah, I just looked a little further, and it is lists and recipes created around the power foods (basically whole foods--fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins).


Oh, well that makes sense.


I've tried WW several times but never did succeed because it's just too much work for me, frankly.  All that tracking gets on my nerves.  I don't have any issue with single foods (i.e., one sweet potato, one grilled chicken breast, etc.) but when you have to break out a calculator for recipes it's just annoying.  Plus, I never seem to calculate correctly, so I'm either underestimating and end up eating too much, or overestimating and end up starving.  

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I heard about it at my meeting yesterday, and I'm trying it starting today.  Our leader said that ww members have asked for them to "just tell me what to eat" so that's what this is.  Eat this.  Don't track.  Just eat these simple things for the next 2 weeks.  That's all.


I think it sounds like a good idea.  Simple.  BUT, I know I can get in to trouble when I don't track, so I'm going to keep tracking, and stick to the list of foods and see how it goes.  


The list of things to eat is basically what I stick with when I'm really "doing" the program, so I don't think it will actually be very hard.  


I also like that each day you are give 7 cheat points.  7 seems more manageable than 49.  But they do recommend that you stick with the suggested cheat items.


I think this is mainly for the people just joining up this week, as an easy way to jump in to the program, but I think it would be confusing to know how much is the right amount to eat...  

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Oh, well that makes sense.


I've tried WW several times but never did succeed because it's just too much work for me, frankly.  All that tracking gets on my nerves.  I don't have any issue with single foods (i.e., one sweet potato, one grilled chicken breast, etc.) but when you have to break out a calculator for recipes it's just annoying.  Plus, I never seem to calculate correctly, so I'm either underestimating and end up eating too much, or overestimating and end up starving.  


See, that's exactly why it does work for me. The tracking is exceedingly annoying. I only track the stuff that matters--e.g., I don't track all the fruits and veggies I eat because they are zero points anyway--but it ensures I make every bite of food I put in my mouth count. And I find that the point system is a lot easier for me than tracking calories.

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Guest rozekizzez

I have been doing it since Sunday Have weight in tonight so will see. I have been doing better because when i was tracking and could eat whatever just stay in my points I would go out to fast food cuz i could still fit it in so not as good of choices. They are suppose to have something as a follow up so u can stay on this also if u want we were told at ours. It might work for some, so far is ok for me but we will see. Best of luck everyone :)

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My friend is doing the Simple Start and loving it.  SHe has dropped 5 pounds in the first week.


I though am doing the OLD (like 2007 version) of the points system.  The one with the sliders and you get upper 20s in points per day and had an activity point slider and then 35 bonus points a week.


I like that one as it worked for me last time I did it (75 pounds lost) and it is easy and YES, partly because I COULD eat fast food occ. and drink my regular coke, etc. 


Like today a friend called me up and invited me over.  I was able to have a hot chocolate she made and then eat a 1/2 tuna sandwich and a bowl of creamy wild rice soup she made.  I just sorta figured out the points when I got home and marked those off.  I liked it though as I didn't have to tell her no, I couldn't eat what she was graciously making me.  I just enjoyed every morsel of it and counted my points.  Tonight I go cross country skiing again so that will give me a few activity points and the rest will come from my bonus ones.


Also, I just don't want to pay the money or take the time to go.  If this old program along with at least 5 days a week or exercise doesn't work then I might try one of the newer programs.

Now that I have a chart on my fridge with my points on it I do find that I am stopping my self from the mindless eating---a few chips at the computer, the last 2 spoonfuls of yogurt dh left, the 1/2 slice of cheese left from packing his lunch, etc.

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Certainly you have to change things around to find what works for you.  When I was able to go to meetings, the leader noted that she had to limit fruit to 2-3 pieces a day in order to lose weight, and that she also had to watch bread, even if it was whole grain.  Even in maintenance, she found that certain foods had to be limited or she'd start gaining.  I found that very encouraging because I found that certain foods cause me problems as well even if they are on the "Power Foods" list.


I restarted WW this month online after taking the fall off, and I always did well on the "Simply Filling" approach, so I'm on "Simple Start" and really like it.  I eat every four hours, so that means breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.  When I limit when I eat (I tend to graze) and stick to "Power Foods," I tend to do well.  We'll see...

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The simple start looks like a good lead into the program. I'm in maintenance and I still track. I overeat on simply filling. My eat to satisfaction means I gain.. :thumbdown:. I have to weigh, measure, and track pretty much every morsel. I eat breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner too. That helps me stay on track. I'd graze all day if I could. 

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Once again, not every plan works for ever person----some have to limit breads, others fruits, some do better eating more frequently, others better by cutting out snacking.


I think the biggest goal is to eat an overall health diet in MODERATE portions and get your exercise.


For me the points helps me with moderation and friends help me with the exercise.  It is MUCH more motivating to go cross country skiing with 2 friends as we will spend the time laughing and joking around (when I have enough air to breathe and talk at the same time :-) ) than it is to do something on your own.

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