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Silly question but when do you put on lotion?


I have been reading that many keep it in the shower.  How do you put it on with wet skin?


However, I rarely remember to even use it, so I am trying to find a way to have it so handy that I will remember it.

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I use it after every shower, otherwise my skin feels so incredibly dry and itchy.  I am not sure how you would put it on in the shower while you are still wet.  I put it on my little two tonight after their bath because they felt dry to me, but my DS hated the feeling, so I won't be lathering him up again any time soon.

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I put baby oil on 2 of the kids in the shower once the water is turned off. the third has extremely dry skin, when she's in the shower I use a coconut oil/sugar scrub. then she rinses off the sugar right before getting out.

we also keep lotion by the bathroom sink. in the winter they have very dry hands and put it on after washing their hands.

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