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I had decided to do it

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Have (not had) geesh!


I am hiring someone to come in and clean my house. I was dropping the boys off at a friends house last week while her "people" were there cleaning. I always thought that if the right situation arose and I felt totally comfortable with it, I would do. Well, the time has come. I cannot keep up nor do I want to operate with that level of stress that it evokes from me.


My friend has used this couple for years and gushes. That's good enough for me. They are coming tomorrow to look at my house and see what they can do for me. I am so excited to finally have the guts to do this. I need to address so many things in my life right now and this is a major hurdle for me to get over, finally. I can have a cleaner space which will help my mood immensely! I am kind of nervous and embarrassed that I am doing this, but I need to get over that and just do it.


Now that I can have a cleaner house, maybe I can focus on other things to fix around here, including myself. Woohoo! (I think)

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I am hiring someone to come in and clean my house. I was dropping the boys off at a friends house last week while her "people" were there cleaning. I always thought that if the right situation arose and I felt totally comfortable with it, I would do. Well, the time has come. I cannot keep up nor do I want to operate with that level of stress that it evokes from me.


My friend has used this couple for years and gushes. That's good enough for me. They are coming tomorrow to look at my house and see what they can do for me. I am so excited to finally have the guts to do this. I need to address so many things in my life right now and this is a major hurdle for me to get over, finally. I can have a cleaner space which will help my mood immensely! I am kind of nervous and embarrassed that I am doing this, but I need to get over that and just do it.


Now that I can have a cleaner house, maybe I can focus on other things to fix around here, including myself. Woohoo! (I think)


You go, girl. Good for you.

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I say anything to help lessen the stress in ones life. I have been thinking of doing this same thing. My neighbor has a wonderful cleaner and I just got her number yesterday and I think I am going to do it also. I just have to be ok with the cost. That is what has stopped me in the past. But I need it now also. I think the time with my kids is better than cleaning.

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One less thing on your plate. I have a fulltime housekeeper and it is a sanity saver for me. In fact, my dh was at a meeting with our accountant where they were going over our yearly budget. When they got the housekeeper expense my dh joked that the line item could actually be changed to marital counseling/mood lifter/sanity saver.


Enjoy your new found "free" time!!

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Sounds great! We just had several rooms painted, including our living room & family room. All the "stuff" was moved out (now lurking in another, barely enterable room). I rearranged the other furniture and only put back what I wanted in each room. It looks fabulous and my mood is so improved just being in a clean space that looks nice...I hope the effect is the same for you! :)

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My sister recently made a similar decision. She has always struggled to keep up with housework and finally decided that he needs to quit worrying about what other's think and do what's best for her family.

It has been a wonderful thing for her. I hope it is for you, too!

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You will love it! The only drawback is that the boys will have to get the Legos out of the way before they come to clean. Luke always panics when he realizes it's Wednesday morning and they might mess up a Lego creation that he left out!


Enjoy the relief!


I have decided that the toy/Lego room is not to be worried about. If it is picked up on that day, they can clean. If not, no biggie. They do not keep toys in their bedroom. Only in the toy room. Easier for the rest of the house that way. The rest of the house is my concern. That's why we have that room. We can shut the door and ignore.:D


I am very excited about this. I think it will be an every 2 weeks deal. Perfect! But tonight, I am cleaning up so that I won't be totally mortified when they see it for the first time tomorrow morning.

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I'm going to do it too. I just got a recommendation today from my neighbor. The lady they use comes in twice a month and spends four hours each time. She even scrubs floors and does windows. She charges them $60 a visit and it sounds soooo worth it for what she does! I am going to call her tomorrow.


Good luck with your quest for the right person.

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Last year I had thought the help I needed was to have a weekly sitter come so that I could run errands, etc. by myself. That worked for a bit but wasn't nearly as helpful as I had hoped. Then dh suggested using that $ for a 2x/month cleaning and it's been wonderful! They are the same service that cleans his office, they come every other week and we get out of the way.

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I had a housecleaner years ago, before dd, and when my xh and I were still together, and both working. Everyone I knew thought it was great, and no one would have considered criticizing me for it, including, I'm sure, you, if you had known me then.


Well, now, you, have children, your dh is working, and so are you, probably harder than you ever have in your life, and you are getting a cleaning service, which I'm sure you richly deserve and can use--and no one should criticize you, especially you.


I only wish I could afford one myself! What is that song? Jealousy, is such a lonely word... ;)

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I'm going to do it too. I just got a recommendation today from my neighbor. The lady they use comes in twice a month and spends four hours each time. She even scrubs floors and does windows. She charges them $60 a visit and it sounds soooo worth it for what she does!


That, my friend, is a steal!!

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