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I am going to be sick

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One of my pet peeves is someone drinking out of my cup, glass, bottle whatever. Don't touch my drink! LOL. It just grosses me out beyond belief. I just sat down and grabbed my water bottle and took a big swig and then noticed my darling William must of helped himself after eating his toast. Tons of little floaty things. puke2.gif

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I'm sorry!! We have a community cup around here (well, GUESTS don't have to use it, lol). I don't know why, but we all pretty much drink out of the same water cup all day long -- it sits on the counter next to water pitcher.


I can't get my kids to use the same cup twice in an hour. Some days, I swear we end up with about 20 glasses in the top of the dishwasher, and the bottom has three plates. It make me crazy. I tend to just hand was glasses and cups for this reason.

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One of my pet peeves is someone drinking out of my cup, glass, bottle whatever. Don't touch my drink! LOL. It just grosses me out beyond belief. I just sat down and grabbed my water bottle and took a big swig and then noticed my darling William must of helped himself after eating his toast. Tons of little floaty things. puke2.gif


You have 10 children and you are still grossed out by sharing drinks?! LOL. I would have thought they would have cured you of that by now.

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I can't get my kids to use the same cup twice in an hour. Some days, I swear we end up with about 20 glasses in the top of the dishwasher, and the bottom has three plates. It make me crazy. I tend to just hand was glasses and cups for this reason.


And we don't have very many cups at all - when you only have 3 or 4 it keeps the dishes down!:lol: We all share here too.;)

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You have 10 children and you are still grossed out by sharing drinks?! LOL. I would have thought they would have cured you of that by now.


that the cup is off limits. Jean knows the ramifications of small children drinking out of a small necked container after a snack. Ughhhhh! It makes me want to vomit just thinking about it. We have a rule- no one under 4 can have my cup. Yuck. I am with you Jean.

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I can maybe top that: My five year old just realized you aren't supposed to put the floss pick back in the bag after using it! After 6 months or so of doing it.


He's also king of back-washing.


I guess we have some basic hygiene issues to work on with him!




This one had me LOL!



My big peave is the water bottles.

I dont want anyone to drink out of mine.


Also it gets me when DH will open one in the car then save it for another day. Illlll i think that is gross for some reason.


If I open one I finish it.

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I can maybe top that: My five year old just realized you aren't supposed to put the floss pick back in the bag after using it! After 6 months or so of doing it.
Okay, eeeuuuwwww!


How about this: When my ds14 was 5 or 6 I was gathering his laundry. I noticed there was NO underwear in it. "Where's your underwear?" "Oh, Mommy," he answered with a proud grin, "I been conserving. (we'd gone to a program at a local Christian school that talked about conservation) I wore the same underwear all week so you wouldn't have to use so much 'lectricity to wash stuff!" :ohmy: I told him he must have listened well to remember to conserve! "You have great listening skills! Since I'm doing the laundry right now, how about you change those now, so we can get them ready for next time you need them?" He happily changed. :lol:


Later we had a family discussion and talked about positive things to do, and we did mention hygiene, like changing underwear everyday and brushing teeth!

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I can't get my kids to use the same cup twice in an hour. Some days, I swear we end up with about 20 glasses in the top of the dishwasher, and the bottom has three plates. It make me crazy. I tend to just hand was glasses and cups for this reason.


When my guys were little, we had color coded cups. Ikea sells cute plastic colorful plates and cups. We knew who's was who's. It kept the dishwasher from being top heavy.

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Okay, eeeuuuwwww!


How about this: When my ds14 was 5 or 6 I was gathering his laundry. I noticed there was NO underwear in it. "Where's your underwear?" "Oh, Mommy," he answered with a proud grin, "I been conserving. (we'd gone to a program at a local Christian school that talked about conservation) I wore the same underwear all week so you wouldn't have to use so much 'lectricity to wash stuff!" :ohmy: I told him he must have listened well to remember to conserve! "You have great listening skills! Since I'm doing the laundry right now, how about you change those now, so we can get them ready for next time you need them?" He happily changed. :lol:


Later we had a family discussion and talked about positive things to do, and we did mention hygiene, like changing underwear everyday and brushing teeth!



That's really cute!

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That's so funny....I just never knew it was a big deal until one day when I was at my in-laws house, we were eating lunch and my 1 year old wanted more orange juice. I didn't want to get up and I had plenty in my glass so I just poured some into his cup. WHOOHOO...my mil got all red in the face and I heard this.....huge intake of air...that's the only way I can describe it. So I continued to eat and just waited and waited....until she said, very off-handedly...that when her kids were little, they never shared cups.


It was a new concept to me!:) It still doesn't bother me a bit though. And we are almost never sick. However, now that I've said that, I'm sure we'll be sick shortly. Never fails....so, uh, never mind!:D

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