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Argh! This is dumb.

Night Elf

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My coffee maker broke today. It's just an inexpensive 5-cup maker that I've had for a few years so I'm not surprised. But not this morning! I had to run to the grocery store to buy a new one. It was only $11 so it will be fine for today, but I think I'll buy a better one, preferably small again, soon. I'm afraid of the single cup ones like Keurig because I don't want to have to figure out where to stock all those little cups. And I like my decaf Folgers. Ugh. I'll have to think about it.

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Broken coffee maker = emergency, for sure!


I use a Keurig and you'd have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands, but I had a Krups before I went single cup that I really liked. My parents have a Cuisenart that doesn't have a carafe.  It makes and stores everything in the same container and you put your cup under a nozzle and push the button and it comes out of there.  I'm not explaining it well, but I like how it works because the coffee stays hotter, and it's neater sitting on the counter, in my opinion.  

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I kept a Mr. Coffee going for over 20 years.  It quit working after a year, so I took it apart and cleaned the insides with a Q-tip and alcohol.  It was amazing how much coffee leaked in there, dried, and gunked up the works.  I did that every few months.


I drink instant now (I know, yuck), but I have a coffee maker in case we have guests or run out of Taster's  Choice, so eventually I'll being seeing if that trick still works.

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I agree - emergency!


My 17-year-old Krups broke a few months ago - something fell out of a cabinet and landed on the glass pot.  The coffee maker still works, but I haven't gotten around to finding the right replacement carafe yet.  I will eventually because I agree that it's good to have an extra coffee maker.


I did a lot of research to figure out what I wanted, reading lots of reviews.  The frustrating thing is that it seems the quality just isn't there anymore, for any of the major brands.  There is no sure bet in a reasonable price range.  Why can't I just buy a regular, no-frills cone-filter one for 30 bucks?  One that will last another 17 yrs?  (I ended up with another Krups, not made in Germany and not cheap either, but with an insulated carafe rather than the heating element.  It's ok I guess.)


I ordered Amazon Prime and bought a tall black coffee at the coffee place up the street for two days while waiting for it.

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