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Low fat dried bean dishes with no tomato/citrus/vinegar?

Laura Corin

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Husband has been put on a diet by his doctor that has to avoid excessive fat and also acidic foods.  Beans sound like a good thing - I am currently cooking pinto beans with herbs and a little leftover gammon.  All my other bean recipes have tomato in them or are salads dressed with a fair bit of oil or citrus.


Any ideas?  Thanks.





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Red beans and rice is a common dish in this area that might suit you. It is often made with sausage but does not have to be. It can be made spicy but I generally add onions and herbs instead since one person in my family won't eat spicy foods and another shouldn't eat spicy foods(but does anyway).


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Ooh... heading off to find out what succotash is.




Sufferin' succotash! Actually, a lot of folks don't know what it is. It's a Native American dish with corn, squash, and beans. I made mine tonight with sundried tomatoes, butternut squash, baby lima beans, onions, carrots, red potatoes, and parmesan cheese.  :001_wub:

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I love the combination of beans and greens.  I will flavour with onion and/or garlic and herbs.  If I have a bit of ham or sausage to add, I will, but I don't think it's necessary. Some favourites are:


Cannellini with swiss chard (seasoned with parsley and savoury)

Flageolets with kale (seasoned with marjoram, parsley and a pinch of sage)

Any red bean with spinach (seasoned with cumin, oregano and fresh cilantro, aka coriander)


I also like plainly cooked beans served alongside a well seasoned polenta or rice pilaf and lots of veggies.

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Burritos: you can use either black beans or mashed pinto beans (I don't like the texture of whole pinto beans in a burrito but YMMV.) Add ingredients that you like: chili powder, cumin, onions, garlic ,sauteed peppers. Guacamole (is monosaturated fat okay?) without tomato is an excellent substitute for cheese--you still get that creamy flavor.


Lentil and brown rice soup: I use Jane Brody's recipe (I think you can find it online). It does have diced tomatoes in it, but they aren't necessary.


Hummus is garbanzo-bean based. You can make it without the tahini to reduce fat.

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