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I glued my pants to my leg today, what did you do?


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yeah that's right, you just read that.  SO today working at the diner I knocked over a container of slurry (flour and water mix) that was on the counter to be put into the stock to make gravy.  It poured all down my leg.  I was wearing my favorite jeans, the ones with the rips in the knees.  Yeah it poured inside my pants.  Now as many of you may know flour and water make a nice paste when you run out of glue for arts and crafts.  Flour and water down the inside of your pants, added to needing to run errands on the way home from work equals your pants being glued to your leg, you sock to your ankle and your laces together. Oh and did I mention I had not shaved my legs in a while. Thankfully flour and water wash out and my pants will be out of the dryer just in time for me to head back to work for my shift cleaning the place, and the soak in the tub got it off my leg. So that was my adventure today...what was yours?

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A true HSer would have busted out the chicken wire, baking soda, and vinegar and done a volcano unit.


Nothing like a little paper mache to start a homeschool project lol


It didn't turn into a science experiement but did break the anger when dealing with my mother.  She was irritating the heck out of me about my oldest(she phoned just as I walked in the door) so I interrupted her to tell her I had to go because my pants were glued to my leg, it broke the tension and once I explained the story had her laughing hard enough to forget what she called for in the first place.  So less science experiement and more psych experiement perhaps lol

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I wish my thoughts ran to the more sophisticated, but I was immediately reminded of the Friends episode in which Ross puts talcum powder down his leather pants then woefully announces that he's made paste.


And nothing in my rather pedestrian Saturday has risen to the level of gluing myself into my clothes. I did adjust my contact lens after slicing a jalapeño pepper, but I found that it was actually kind of pleasant.

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Not nearly as exciting as your day. I got my ds to do the  me smashing the pottery and him reconstructing activity at the end of SOTW1. He supper glued 2 fingers together! I should have thought and got him to wear gloves or use hot glue or something. Fortunately he told me as soon as they were glued together and I managed to pry them apart.

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