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should I give my DS's speech therapists gifts?


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My 3yo DS has been receiving speech therapy from 2 therapists for about 6 months now and will most likely be getting it for at least another year if not more.  Both of them come to our home a total of 5 times a week.  Both are very nice and my DS likes them.  Should I give them each something for the holidays?  Or just maybe a card?  The one is about to have a baby any day now so should I get her something that she can use for the baby?  A GC maybe?


I don't know what, if anything, people do for their kid's speech therapists.  What do you think?

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I didn't send our boys' therapist a gift last year. However, when my boys graduated from her sessions, we wrote her a nice letter of thanks (and the boys' drew pictures for her) and tucked in a small Amazon gift card as well. We also specifically said that we were very pleased and that if she ever needed a recommendation or anything, she should feel free to contact us. (I think she works for herself, but if she'd had a supervisor, I would have sent an official letter of thanks to her supervisor as well, because I believe that superiors should know when their employees are doing a good job.) Had I thought of it, I probably would have given her a small gift card last Christmas too, but my kids don't really have teachers (other than co-op parents, who are friends of mine), and it just didn't cross my mind. This year, we'll send her a card with photos of the kids, because it's been a few months since they graduated, and I figure she'll enjoy seeing them. :)

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