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Can this chicken broth be saved?

Janie Grace

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I made broth from a chicken carcass 8 days ago. It has been sitting in my fridge ever since, in spite of my wonderful plans to make sweet potato soup with it. I have heard that if you give soup a good long boil, you kill anything that might be growing. Would you use 8-day-old stock and if so, how long should I boil it to be sure it's safe?

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Absolutely not. You can boil it all day long and you still won't kill all of the toxins. Eight days is way too long.


I know what a pain it is to find something in the refrigerator that you didn't use in time, but I also know what it's like to have food poisoning, so it's pretty easy for me to toss stuff in the trash if I think it's too old.

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Heck yes. I use stuff older than that all the time. Smell it, give it a good sniff. Especially if it has fat on top, which is protecting it from the air, I bet it's fine. Give it a good boil and trust the smell.

Actually, you can't "trust the smell," and the fat may be protecting it from the air, but it doesn't prevent bacteria and toxins from growing in the broth -- and boiling does not kill everything, so Janie Grace's family could still become quite ill if they ate it.

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I read 3/4 days. I do let stuff go longer than that. I'm not at all squeamish and eat stuff lots of people wouldn't. I still say when in doubt throw it out. I can't enjoy something I'm worried about making me sick.

I'm very careful (most might say "totally paranoid" :rolleyes:) about food safety, because of my experiences with food poisoning. It's not worth taking a chance on making my family sick just to avoid throwing away a few dollars worth of food... although I'll admit it's irritating to have to throw stuff out, particularly when it always seems to be something that took hours to make!

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