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We have croup


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Ugh, I'm sorry  :grouphug:  Croup plagued my youngest for YEARS, and it was scary every time. She still remembers sitting outside on the front steps with me, trying to breathe and stay calm. It was always the same: Days 2 and 3 were the days I started watching for the cough, and then it would last about 24 hours, with one middle-of-the-night steamy shower-freezer/front steps session. I hope it passes quickly!


On a possibly unrelated note, I did notice that when I started giving her preemptive children's ibuprofen before bed at night, she had fewer middle-of-the-night attacks. I did it hoping it would head off some of the inflammation. However, it might also be because she was starting to outgrow it by then (she was around 4 or so when I started doing that). 

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My son has croup as well.  He usually gets it 2-3 times a year, with weeks of steroid and albuterol neb treatments to get him well.  Usually we end up on oral steroids as well, which turns (at least my) kids into absolute bears.  Not so fun.  Hopefully this goes quickly and your little ones get / stay well!


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I was amazed one time when my now-13 yo had croup.  We rushed him in to the ER.  His lips and nail beds were blue.  He was obviously having trouble breathing.  They took him from me in the ER and worked on him immediately.  They gave him an inhaled epinepherine.   It worked REALLY fast.   I'm familiar with that drug, as he also has food allergies and carries an epi-pen.  I asked if we couldn't get some of it (the inhaled version) at home.  They said no because the kids need to be watched for a few hours afterward.  I was a little ticked because it seemed to me that if he could go from fine during the day to blue nail beds at night, he needed emergency meds at home - just like the epi-pens!  That was his last attack of croup.


You definitely did the right thing taking her in!  90 oxygen score?!  Poor kid.  (We ended up buying a meter to use at home - it has saved us numerous doctor's visits!)  Glad to hear the meds are working!  I remember when ds went in with a 90 reading.  They debated whether to admit him!  Gave him steroids and breathing treatments.  That evening, he was bouncing off the walls!!!  I was thrilled.  


I hope she's all better ASAP!!!


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They said the deal with the epinephrine is that they have to stay for six! hours after it's been given to be observed. If she doesn't perk up fast I will take her to the er.


She sounded way better after two nebulizer treatments and once the steroids kicked in, so let's hope this was the worst of it and she mends soon!


On a worse note my three year old has a fever now. I'm worried baby is next. :(

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