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Question about exposure to GI illness in swimming pool (May be TMI for some)

Lisa in SC

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Last night, youngest ds had his weekly swimming lesson. He attends a swimming school solely dedicated to lessons. We have been thrilled with the facility, the desk staff and his instructor. He has also made huge progress. All of this is to say that I have been very pleased with the entire experience. The following might be tmi, so I apologize. Don't read further if you're squeamish about GI stuff.


There are several classes going on at any one time divided by lane markers. Last night, as ds was swimming, a child in the lane next to him vomited profusely just outside of the pool - into the little drain thing that catches overflow. It wasn't just pool water, it was dinner. Ds's instructor picked ds up and put him outside of the pool within 20 seconds of the incident. I have anxiety and some OCD. One of my triggers is vomit. I was up and moving to get ds out of the pool area completely. We left with ds in a towel, and changed him in the car. He scrubbed down as soon as we got home and everything went into the wash. Somehow I was able to remain calm in ds' presence, but I was on the verge of a full fledged panic attack.


The pool is salt water, and I've read the CDC's recs regarding pool sanitation after an incident such as this. What I am wondering is this:


1. What are his chances of becoming ill? The boy who was I'll had been swimming next to ds for about 20 minutes prior to the incident.


2. Should I email the school and ask what measures were taken to sanitize the pool after the event?


I don't want to be "that mom," but I do want to be sure that proper measures are always taken when something like this occurs. If I should email, would anyone be willing to help me with wording? Everything I come up with seems to sound snarky although that's not at all how I feel. I just want to be certain that they follow protocol. When we left the parking lot, we could see almost all of the students standing around the pool with their instructors, so I can't even be sure they cancelled the rest of the lesson. Talk me down? :)

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Vomit itself isn't going to make your son ill.  Bacteria or a virus would.  There could have been exposure to a flu virus just in the locker room before "the incident", so yes, your son could get sick.  But from "the incident" itself esp. with all your cleansing of your child and his clothing?  Nope.  


I don't know about the pool sanitation except that our Y pool meets strict water standards that are tested multiple times a day.  I would assume  that any pool that had lessons would be the same, but you could ask.  

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Guest submarines

When a child vomits at playground, it might not even get cleaned up right away, or ever. There are germs everywhere, and most people with a healthy immune system rarely get sick. Good for you for not showing your panic to your DS. 


I'm sure it is not the first time and not the last time that a child vomits in the pool. They have procedures in place. 

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Vomit itself isn't going to make your son ill. Bacteria or a virus would. There could have been exposure to a flu virus just in the locker room before "the incident", so yes, your son could get sick. But from "the incident" itself esp. with all your cleansing of your child and his clothing? Nope.


I don't know about the pool sanitation except that our Y pool meets strict water standards that are tested multiple times a day. I would assume that any pool that had lessons would be the same, but you could ask.

Right about vomit itself not making him sick. I didn't explain myself very clearly. I apologize. I was thinking more along the lines of norovirus, which we had a nasty round of around Easter. I know it sort of becomes an aerosol when the person vomits, but I didn't know if it could be transmitted in the pool prior to vomiting. Kids get water in their mouths and all that. I know it's my issue, but anxiety and OCD can be difficult to overcome. I keep trying. :)


On the bright side, we didn't use the locker room when we came to swim. He comes in his suit with a sweatshirt on & just rinses in the poolside shower which is automatic, so no need to touch anything. So, you provided me with some good news, and I'm grateful.

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I'm not in the least germaphobic, so I wouldn't be concerned. But, I respect that you are. So, consider that the child may not be ill at all. He may have swallowed or inhaled some water that set off a gag reflex. Also, you said he vomited beside the pool, so it seems unlikely you son was in contact with any vomit.


Also, as Jean said, any exposure from an illness may well have already occurred prior to the vomiting. 


It sounds as if this is more a visceral reaction due to your sensitivity than any actual danger to your son. 


Hugs. It sounds icky.


I get it. I don't mind dirty diapers but I'm pretty grossed out by puke myself.

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When a child vomits at playground, it might not even get cleaned up right away, or ever. There are germs everywhere, and most people with a healthy immune system rarely get sick. Good for you for not showing your panic to your DS.


I'm sure it is not the first time and not the last time that a child vomits in the pool. They have procedures in place.

Intellectually, I know this. My anxiety doesn't like to listen to my intellect, unfortunately. It does help to hear others rational advice. Thank you.

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I'm not in the least germaphobic, so I wouldn't be concerned. But, I respect that you are. So, consider that the child may not be ill at all. He may have swallowed or inhaled some water that set off a gag reflex. Also, you said he vomited beside the pool, so it seems unlikely you son was in contact with any vomit.


Also, as Jean said, any exposure from an illness may well have already occurred prior to the vomiting.


It sounds as if this is more a visceral reaction due to your sensitivity than any actual danger to your son.


Hugs. It sounds icky.


I get it. I don't mind dirty diapers but I'm pretty grossed out by puke myself.

Thank you for explaining it so pragmatically, for respecting my issues, and for the hugs. They all helped. :)

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If it were norovirus, the incubation period is 24 to 48 hours so you would know pretty soon. Hopefully that period of time passes uneventfully and you can breathe (clean germ free air!) easily.

Yes, we have about 24 hours to go. Just to clarify, lest you all think I'm completely crazy (as opposed to just a tad crazy), I'm not a total germaphobe. Colds, flu, etc. don't faze me much, other than wanting my loved ones to feel better. It's just the vomit thing. I can't seem to shake it. Thanks again. :)

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Honestly, even if the child threw up more than water, it was probably a result of swallowing too much water during the lesson, or eating too much before that much exercise.


I worry about germs, too, but as a former swim instructor, this is the one vomit situation that wouldn't have me running away fast!

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Guest submarines

Intellectually, I know this. My anxiety doesn't like to listen to my intellect, unfortunately. It does help to hear others rational advice. Thank you.

Hang in there. You'll be fine.  :grouphug:

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Yes, we have about 24 hours to go. Just to clarify, lest you all think I'm completely crazy (as opposed to just a tad crazy), I'm not a total germaphobe. Colds, flu, etc. don't faze me much, other than wanting my loved ones to feel better. It's just the vomit thing. I can't seem to shake it. Thanks again. :)

I completely understand and am exactly the same way. Thankfully, I have been blessed with children who are not prone to gagging or carsickness, and we have only had a few stomach viruses, thankfully mostly mildly. DH turns over all dirty diapers to me if at all possible (he has only ever changed a couple of them despite five children), and in return, he handles all vomiting. It is a completely equitable trade, IMO, even if I had had to change a dirty diaper every day. I would barely have made it out of the pool area myself. I hope your son does not get sick!

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Just to clarify, lest you all think I'm completely crazy (as opposed to just a tad crazy), I'm not a total germaphobe. Colds, flu, etc. don't faze me much, other than wanting my loved ones to feel better. It's just the vomit thing. I can't seem to shake it. Thanks again. :)


I get it. I am terrified of heights. Just standing on a stool makes me shake. DH once convinced me to climb a ladder to see the second story of our new house and it took an hour to talk me back down. I shook so hard he thought I was going to topple over the ladder. 


Irrational fears/reactions ARE irrational BUT they are also very real.  (And, really, isn't everyone a tad crazy?)


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I thought you were going to say it came out of the other end. I took my kids out of swim lessons at our local YMCA this summer because I became too grossed out. They were often closing the swim lesson pool after kids had toileting accidents. 

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He'll be fine.  Germs are everywhere....especially the ones that spread the stomach flu.  Vomiting in or near a pool in no way increases your son's risk for a stomach virus.  I've been puked on regularly by sick kids when I work in the peds' office, and I've never once gotten the stomach flu from it...nor have my own children.  The only way people get sick from swimming pools is when fecal matter is expelled in the pool (and I don't mean to freak you out, but that happens WAY more than someone vomiting in pool).  If your pool doesn't have a UV filtration system, then the public is at risk.  With a UV filtration system, the risk is minimal.


We had an outbreak here in Utah about six or seven years ago of crypto...it was a lovely summer.  I've never seen so many prescriptions written for Alinia before or since.  LOL  All the pools here now have the more sophisticated filtration system installed.


A kid vomiting outside of the pool poses absolutely no risk at all for your son.

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I thought you were going to say it came out of the other end. I took my kids out of swim lessons at our local YMCA this summer because I became too grossed out. They were often closing the swim lesson pool after kids had toileting accidents.

Oh my. Yes, that would probably give me a great deal of pause. On the bright side, at least they were closing the pool according to protocol...not that it helps much when it's your children who were in the water at the time. Hugs.


We have about 1 hour left to get to the 48 hour mark.

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