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I have a job interview for a teaching job tomorrow afternoon. However, I am on crutches and cannot delay the interview due to the fact that the new session (undergraduate adult learning degree program) starts 11/6, I can walk gingerly and with a limp without them. I am not even sure which would be more "unprofessional" going in with the crutches or limp in. What say the hive?

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are you comfortable with the crutches? if you are comfortable with the crutches, go to the interview with them. Being on crutches does not effect your ability to complete the essential tasks of this job.


If you limp in and accidently step wrong you could be in a lot of pain during the interview, that would be problematic.

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I would use the crutches, personally. I don't think there's anything unprofessional about needing crutches if you are injured. It doesn't sound like the injury will impair your ability to do the job. And I think walking in with a limp would just look weird. At least with the crutches it will be immediately obvious that you have a sprained ankle (or whatever).


My two cents. Good luck!

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I would go with the crutches and make the other people feel at ease by saying, "of course this had to happen just as I'm meeting with you. . ." I'd make light of it, but not avoid talking about it.


I'd just put a smile on my face and say essentially, "darn the luck!"



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Crutches definitely!  It conveys, "I hurt myself temporarily, am taking care of myself, and was still able to get here and interview professionally'.  Tell them outright what happened, laugh, joke, make light of it, but then drop it and don't bring it up again. 



Limp says "I hurt myself and am pushing beyond my limits by limping on it.  I am a liability to your company". 


Good luck!  It may actually work in your favor to have something to be remembered for.  :-) 

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